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Art by EshpurArt by Eshpur

Hello, I'm just your unusual cube obsessor, data lover, and fairy/bug loving girl. I'm very passionate about magic the gathering. I have the tendency to be an information sponge. Cube is my favorite format.
My favorite guild is ur. Any shard/wedge with izzet is loved. I tend to be a jenny player with a splash of tammy. Finding weird engines is my jam. Sometimes, it's fun to just drop a big stupid dragon though.
Here are some of my favorite archetypes:
-midrange value


I started playing magic in 2010 and it became my main cardgame in 2017. My first deck was wu flyers. My first "good" deck was moltensteel dragon turbo. My first commander was Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer.

More importantly I got into cube and cube design in 2020. My first cube was technically my storytime cube. It evolved into an entirely new cube.

main cubes