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You can help support Cube Cobra by purchasing playmats at our inked gaming page!PodcastsPodcastClock SpinningBy ClockSpinning16 hours agoPodcastChateau CubeBy CulticCube16 hours agoPodcastThe Frog and The DragonBy FrogDragon16 hours agoPodcastSolely SingletonBy DrRuler16 hours agoPodcastSquares that CubeBy Datahack16 hours agoPodcastRecross the PathsBy DomriKade2 days agoPodcastCuberviewsBy ianbraverman3 days agoPodcastLucky Paper RadioBy andymangold5 days agoPodcastUber CubeBy UberBear5 days agoPodcastCube&ChaosBy cr4cksh073 months agoPodcastThe 540By The5402 years agoPodcastThe Deep DiveBy JankDiverGaming2 years agoBlog Posts (36+)Page 1 of 2+Podcast EpisodeThe Tiny Leaders Cube With Gwen DekkerBy ianbraverman1 week agoWelcome to the ninth episode of Cuberviews, a podcast where I sit down with friends to explore the world of Magic: The Gathering cube design! Today I’m joined by Gwen Dekker to discuss the Tiny Leader...Podcast EpisodeRojja - Lots of Spaghetti at Lots of WallsBy DomriKade1 week agoThis week, Rojja shows off the bespoke and eclectic Rusty Box o' Goblins (also called the Cash Box). We discuss moonshine-flavored cards, jam sessions, the dangerous idea that other people were right ...Podcast EpisodeCommunity Response: Non MTG Cube InspirationsBy UberBear2 weeks agoDuring this episode May and Anthony discuss the follow community post: "Question for the Community: What non-MTG context inspired your cube designs? i.e. literature, albums, movies, or experiences.” T...Podcast EpisodeFixing is Cringe with Jenn the JudgeBy andymangold2 weeks agoView all cards mentioned in this episode [http://luckypaper.co/podcast/229-fixing-is-cringe-with-jenn-the-judge/cards] Andy and Anthony are Joined byJenn the Judge [https://linktr.ee/Jenn.the.Judge]t...Podcast EpisodeThe Contrarian Cube With Brandon CharronBy ianbraverman2 weeks agoWelcome to the eighth episode of Cuberviews, a podcast where I sit down with friends to explore the world of Magic: The Gathering cube design! Today I am joined by Brandon Charron to discuss the Contr...Podcast EpisodeBONUS - Drive to CubeCon (w/ Bones)By DomriKade2 weeks agoI took things slow for the holidays this week, so enjoy a totally self-indulgent custom design retrospective with my friends Bones and Kyle. Bones and I have worked on several custom projects over the...Podcast Episode"Mostly Dead" Cube ProjectsBy UberBear3 weeks agoDuring this audience participation episode Team Uber Cube chats on cube projects that have fallen to the wayside. We discuss the reasons why these projects are either stalled or what ideas may revital...Podcast EpisodeFoundations Community Set ReviewBy andymangold3 weeks ago View all cards mentioned in this episode [http://luckypaper.co/podcast/228-foundations-community-set-review/cards] Andy, Anthony, and Parker review the results of theFoundations Cube Community surve...Podcast EpisodeModifying Pre-Existing Cubes With Ken OlsonBy ianbraverman3 weeks agoWelcome to the seventh episode of Cuberviews, a podcast where I sit down with friends to explore the world of Magic: The Gathering cube design! Today, I'm joined by Ken Olson to discuss different ways...Podcast EpisodeDan - Devoid Cube || Colorshifted CubeBy DomriKade3 weeks agoColor pie? Where we're going, we don't need the color pie! Dan guides us through the Devoid Cube and the Colorshifted Cube, two projects that challenge notions of color in cube construction. We discus...Podcast EpisodeWinter 2024 Power VintageBy UberBear4 weeks agoDuring this episode Anthony & Stu wax lyrical on the most recent updates to Uber Bear’s Power Cube. We chat on card selection, archetype tuning, and the secrets to making a vintage cube look and feel ...Podcast EpisodeOn Board Wipes and Cube DesignBy andymangold4 weeks agoAndy and Anthony talk all things board wipes in Cube. They talk about the varieties and boundaries of cards that reset the board state and how they effect gameplay and add strategic depth to games wit...Podcast EpisodeThe Fifteen Card Highlander Cube With Jamie StoneBy ianbraverman4 weeks agoWelcome to the sixth episode of Cuberviews, a podcast where I sit down with friends to explore the world of Magic: The Gathering cube design! Today I am joined by Jamie Stone to discuss the Fifteen Ca...Podcast EpisodeMatt - Digital DraftBy DomriKade1 month agoAs iron sharpens iron, so one drafter sharpens another! Matt coordinates weekly drafts for designers and players in preparation for CubeCon. We discuss the process of hosting a digital draft for play ...Podcast EpisodeCube Con, Foundations, & 3-0's Part 2By UberBear1 month agoDuring this episode Team Uber Cube discusses the 3-0 decks from Cube Con 2024 focusing on Uber Bear's Artifact Cube and The Fae Cube. In addition, we cover the cards from Magic Foundations that we int...Podcast EpisodeClown Shoes Cubes and How to Use FeedbackBy andymangold1 month agoAndy and Anthony talk about their Cubes included inCubeCon [https://cubecon.org/]2024: Andy’s100 Ornithopters [https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/100-ornithopters]and Anthony’sRegular [https://cubeco...Podcast EpisodeThe Strictly Worse Cube With Connor FBy ianbraverman1 month agoWelcome to the fifth episode of Cuberviews, a podcast where I sit down with friends to explore the world of Magic: The Gathering cube design! Today, I’m joined by Connor F to discuss the Strictly Wors...Podcast EpisodeJoe - Alternate Timeline || 5 AliveBy DomriKade1 month agoThis week, Joe guides us through the Alternate Timeline, a curated world without the peculiarities of modern Magic. We discuss intentional exclusions, Lunchables, balancing feedback with goals, and mo...Podcast EpisodeDiscussing the Regular Games, Commander Cards Cube with Gavin VerheyBy UberBear1 month agoDuring this episode, we are joined by esteemed guest and professional game designer Gavin Verhey. Join us as we chat on the game design philosophies for the Regular Games, Commander Cards cube and how...Podcast EpisodeFoundations First ImpressionsBy andymangold1 month agoAndy and Anthony talk about Foundations, Magic’s latest set, akin to old Core Sets. The set fills multiple roles including being an approachable set for beginners, a nostalgic set to invested players,...Podcast EpisodePauper Cube With Micah RahardjoBy ianbraverman1 month agoWelcome to the fourth episode of Cuberviews, a podcast where I sit down with friends to explore the world of Magic: The Gathering cube design! Today, I'm joined by Micah Rahardjo to discuss his creati...Podcast EpisodeDaniel - Reading RainbowBy DomriKade2 months agoDive into the gold mine of Daniel's Reading Rainbow cube this week, an all-multicolor experience! We discuss building projects you care about, balancing an opportunity-rich environment, making your cu...Podcast EpisodeCube Con, Foundations, & 3-0's Part 1By UberBear2 months agoDuring this episode Team Uber Cube discusses the 3-0 decks from Cube Con 2024 for Sammich's Peasant Cube and The Femme. In addition, we cover the cards from Magic Foundations that we intend to add to ...Podcast EpisodeHeuristics for Having a Good TimeBy andymangold2 months agoIn the wake ofCubeCon 2024 [https://cubecon.org/], Andy and Anthony talk about how they approach drafting new Cube environments. They talk about their general draft strategies and heuristics they star...Page 1 of 2+Cube Cobra requires javascript to work. To use the site, please enable javascript in your browser.
Welcome to the ninth episode of Cuberviews, a podcast where I sit down with friends to explore the world of Magic: The Gathering cube design! Today I’m joined by Gwen Dekker to discuss the Tiny Leader...
This week, Rojja shows off the bespoke and eclectic Rusty Box o' Goblins (also called the Cash Box). We discuss moonshine-flavored cards, jam sessions, the dangerous idea that other people were right ...
During this episode May and Anthony discuss the follow community post: "Question for the Community: What non-MTG context inspired your cube designs? i.e. literature, albums, movies, or experiences.” T...
View all cards mentioned in this episode [http://luckypaper.co/podcast/229-fixing-is-cringe-with-jenn-the-judge/cards] Andy and Anthony are Joined byJenn the Judge [https://linktr.ee/Jenn.the.Judge]t...
Welcome to the eighth episode of Cuberviews, a podcast where I sit down with friends to explore the world of Magic: The Gathering cube design! Today I am joined by Brandon Charron to discuss the Contr...
I took things slow for the holidays this week, so enjoy a totally self-indulgent custom design retrospective with my friends Bones and Kyle. Bones and I have worked on several custom projects over the...
During this audience participation episode Team Uber Cube chats on cube projects that have fallen to the wayside. We discuss the reasons why these projects are either stalled or what ideas may revital...
View all cards mentioned in this episode [http://luckypaper.co/podcast/228-foundations-community-set-review/cards] Andy, Anthony, and Parker review the results of theFoundations Cube Community surve...
Welcome to the seventh episode of Cuberviews, a podcast where I sit down with friends to explore the world of Magic: The Gathering cube design! Today, I'm joined by Ken Olson to discuss different ways...
Color pie? Where we're going, we don't need the color pie! Dan guides us through the Devoid Cube and the Colorshifted Cube, two projects that challenge notions of color in cube construction. We discus...
During this episode Anthony & Stu wax lyrical on the most recent updates to Uber Bear’s Power Cube. We chat on card selection, archetype tuning, and the secrets to making a vintage cube look and feel ...
Andy and Anthony talk all things board wipes in Cube. They talk about the varieties and boundaries of cards that reset the board state and how they effect gameplay and add strategic depth to games wit...
Welcome to the sixth episode of Cuberviews, a podcast where I sit down with friends to explore the world of Magic: The Gathering cube design! Today I am joined by Jamie Stone to discuss the Fifteen Ca...
As iron sharpens iron, so one drafter sharpens another! Matt coordinates weekly drafts for designers and players in preparation for CubeCon. We discuss the process of hosting a digital draft for play ...
During this episode Team Uber Cube discusses the 3-0 decks from Cube Con 2024 focusing on Uber Bear's Artifact Cube and The Fae Cube. In addition, we cover the cards from Magic Foundations that we int...
Andy and Anthony talk about their Cubes included inCubeCon [https://cubecon.org/]2024: Andy’s100 Ornithopters [https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/100-ornithopters]and Anthony’sRegular [https://cubeco...
Welcome to the fifth episode of Cuberviews, a podcast where I sit down with friends to explore the world of Magic: The Gathering cube design! Today, I’m joined by Connor F to discuss the Strictly Wors...
This week, Joe guides us through the Alternate Timeline, a curated world without the peculiarities of modern Magic. We discuss intentional exclusions, Lunchables, balancing feedback with goals, and mo...
During this episode, we are joined by esteemed guest and professional game designer Gavin Verhey. Join us as we chat on the game design philosophies for the Regular Games, Commander Cards cube and how...
Andy and Anthony talk about Foundations, Magic’s latest set, akin to old Core Sets. The set fills multiple roles including being an approachable set for beginners, a nostalgic set to invested players,...
Welcome to the fourth episode of Cuberviews, a podcast where I sit down with friends to explore the world of Magic: The Gathering cube design! Today, I'm joined by Micah Rahardjo to discuss his creati...
Dive into the gold mine of Daniel's Reading Rainbow cube this week, an all-multicolor experience! We discuss building projects you care about, balancing an opportunity-rich environment, making your cu...
During this episode Team Uber Cube discusses the 3-0 decks from Cube Con 2024 for Sammich's Peasant Cube and The Femme. In addition, we cover the cards from Magic Foundations that we intend to add to ...
In the wake ofCubeCon 2024 [https://cubecon.org/], Andy and Anthony talk about how they approach drafting new Cube environments. They talk about their general draft strategies and heuristics they star...
Cube Cobra requires javascript to work. To use the site, please enable javascript in your browser.