May's Shadowyn Block Set Cube
(360 Card Cube)
May's Shadowyn Block Set Cube
Cube ID
Art by Rebecca GuayArt by Rebecca Guay
360 Card Unpowered Set Cube3 followers
Designed by Myagic
Mana Pool$212.93
  • Type: Time locked non-singleton set cube
  • Speed: medium-slow
  • power differential: high
  • Ideal amount of colors: 1-2
  • variance: Minimal Variance between drafts.
The lorwyn + Shadowmoor Block Cube

Imagine you're taken back to 2008. Eventide just released, you've drafted every set to your dismay. You tried to draft the best cards. Despite your love for the flavor, whimsy and world of these set, the limited experience left you craving more. All these fun card designs and mechanics locked behind a pool of jank.
You want to be whisked away to a fantasy where you can play the shadowyn set. It was a window showing the unique wonders of the era in a new lens that you couldn't see before. Cards meshing in ways that they weren't allowed to in their respective sets. The beautiful cards of shadowmoor and lorwyn combined in a way that highlights their strengths. This is that set. This is that cube.

Cube Goals

The goal here is to make a romanticized limited version of standard playables.
This is a time locked environment to the blocks of lorwyn and shadowmoor. The goal here is to take some of the more interesting and reputable cards from this era and foster an environment where they can thrive. While this isn't a budget cube, there are cards that are intentionally excluded for power or price. I wanted to recreate the feeling of that era in a digestible way that I could share with a pod.

I cut as many of the weird mechanics as I could in order to maximize the interesting gameplay between key cards of the time period.
No clash, reduced kindered,reduced counter tracking, and no untapping symbols.

Notable Cards

This is a major 3 card combo that you should be wary of. It makes quilspike stupid huge and you sacrifice it for rite of consumption.

This is a terrifying set of cards that can deny your answers quite early. This is definitely where a lot of the power differential is sitting.

Persist shenanigans are alive in this cube. Heartmender can create a very difficult obstacle for a lot of decks to deal with if they're not aware of it.

Evoke creatures and flicker shenanigans are very much alive in this cube. Players can flicker the evoked creature to ignore it's sacrifice trigger and double the value of cards.