My Pauper Cube
(450 Card Cube)
My Pauper Cube
Cube ID
Art by Olivier BernardArt by Olivier Bernard
450 Card Pauper Vintage Cube9 followers
Designed by fasmat
Mana Pool$143.74
My Pauper Cube

A 450 card cube inspired by The Pauper Cube. All cards are pauper legal with a few exceptions, that are common but not pauper legal. Therefore the cube is quite inexpensive. It consist out of the following:

  • 67 white cards
  • 67 blue cards
  • 67 black cards
  • 67 red cards
  • 67 green cards
  • 40 multicoloured cards, with 4 of each 2-colour pair
  • 30 colourless cards
  • 45 nonbasic lands

The official Pauper Cube has a well written archetype guide that can be found here:

I recommend to add 45 basic lands of each colour to the cube, to have enough to support up to 10 players drafting from it.

How to play

The cube can be played in a multitude of ways. It is primarily built to support drafts but there are other ways to play with it as well:


These are the various drafting methods that have been play-tested with this cube.

Sealed Draft
  • For 2-5 players
  • Every player receives 90 random cards (6 packs of 15) from the cube
  • From those cards and any amount of basic lands players create a deck with at least 40 cards
  • The leftover cards serve as a sideboard

MTG Fandom Link

Winston Draft
  • For 2-5 players
  • For every player take 45 random cards (3 packs of 15) and shuffle them together face down into a single pile (the main stack)
  • From the main stack take the top 3 cards and place them face down in 3 piles
  • A random player starts the draft
    1. Take a look at all cards of the first pile, decide if you take them
      • If you do, take the cards, add them to your draft pool and put a new card face down into the pile
      • If you don't, add a card without looking to the pile and repeat with the next pile
    2. Should a player decide to take none of the 3 piles instead they take the top card of the main stack and add it to their draft pool
    3. The next player drafts cards in the same manner
    4. Repeat until all cards have been drafted
  • After drafting every player will have between 40 and 50 cards in their draft pool
  • From those cards and any amount of basic lands players create a deck with at least 40 cards
  • The leftover cards in the draft pool serve as sideboard

MTG Fandom Link

Winchester Draft

Winchester Draft is an alternative to Winston Draft for a small player pool but quicker drafting:

  • For 2-4 players
  • For every player take 45 random cards (3 packs of 15) and shuffle them together face down into a single pile (the main stack)
  • From the main stack take the top 4 cards and place them face up in 4 piles
  • A random player starts the draft
    1. Select one of the piles and add them to your draft pool
    2. Add one card each face up to the 4 piles
    3. The next player drafts cards in the same manner
    4. Repeat until all cards have been drafted
  • After drafting every player will usually have between 30 and 60 cards in their draft pool
  • From those cards and any amount of basic lands players create a deck with at least 40 cards
  • The leftover cards in the draft pool serve as sideboard

MTG Fandom Link

Glimpse Draft

In a Glimpse draft players can strategically remove cards from the draft that they don't want other players to pick. It also increases the number of cards in the draft pool significantly allowing players to draft more well rounded (and thereby stronger) decks.

  • For 2-3 players
  • For every player create 9 packs of 15 random cards
  • Players start the draft by opening their first pack and drafting simultaneously
    1. Every player chooses one card to add to their draft pool
    2. Every player now chooses 2 cards to burn and discards them face down to to global discard pile
    3. Every player hands the remaining cards of the pack to the player to the left
    4. Repeat steps 1-3 until all cards of the pack have been drafted
  • Repeat the drafting process with the remaining packs, alternating passing packs clockwise and counterclockwise between packs
  • The cards in the discard pool are removed and not used for deck building
  • After drafting every player will have 45 cards in their draft pool
  • From those cards and any amount of basic lands players create a deck with at least 40 cards
  • The leftover cards in the draft pool serve as sideboard

Original MTG Salvation Thread

Standard Draft

The default way to draft in MTG. Recommended for groups with at least 4 players.

  • For 4-10 players
  • For every player create 3 packs of 15 random cards
  • Players start the draft by opening their first pack and drafting simultaneously
    1. Every player chooses one card to add to their draft pool
    2. Every player hands the remaining cards of the pack to the player to the left
    3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until all cards of the pack have been drafted
  • Repeat the drafting process with the remaining packs, alternating passing packs clockwise and counterclockwise between packs
  • After drafting every player will have 45 cards in their draft pool
  • From those cards and any amount of basic lands players create a deck with at least 40 cards
  • The leftover cards in the draft pool serve as sideboard

MTG Fandom Link

Alternative Ways to play

Not everyone likes to spend the time to draft decks before they can start playing. So there are also a few alternative ways to play MTG with the cube:


For 2-10 players.

Introduced as a new format with a dedicated set in 2020, Jumpstart allows quick games without drafting or deck construction by the use of "Theme Packs" that are opened and shuffled together.

To play this Cube like Jumpstart see: My Pauper Jumpstart Cube

Wizard's Tower
  • For 2-4 players free-for-all or two-headed giant
  • Take 135 random cards (9 packs of 15) and shuffle them together with 80 lands (16 of each colour) face down into a single pile. This serves as the shared library for all players.
  • Deal 3 cards to each player
  • A random player goes first
  • Starting with the first player every player may discard any number of cards and redraws that many.
  • After all players are happy with their 3 cards shuffle the discarded cards and put them on the bottom of the shared library.
  • Put 7 cards from the shared library face up on the table, these cards are the draft pool.

Altered game rules

  • During every draw step
    • The player first chooses one of the face-up cards and adds it to their hand, if there aren't any the player first puts 7 cards face up on the table and then chooses one
    • The player then draws normally from the shared library
  • The graveyard and library belongs to every player. Cards that affect your or the opponent's library/graveyard affect the shared library/graveyard
  • The cards in the draft pool aren't in any zone
  • The owner of a card is the player who played the card (from hand, graveyard, etc.)

Wizard's of the Coast Blog post

Pre-built Sealed Decks

For 2-10 players.

Pre-built sealed decks for each guild are available in My Pauper Cube Sealed Decks. Build them and play against each other in any format you like (1vs1, free-for-all, two-headed giant, etc.)

Guild Wars

Guild Wars is a constructed game format that is played by 5 players, each representing one of the allied guilds of Ravnica. In this free-for-all the player whos two enemies have been defeated first wins the game.

For details see My Pauper Cube Sealed Decks.

Archetypes of the cube
w WhiteAggroWhite WeenieTokens, evasion, removal and combat tricks
u BlueControlValueCounter, bounce and draw cards with big finishers
b BlackControlReanimatorRemoval and graveyard recursion
r RedAggroBurnBurn spells, tokens and haste
g GreenMidrange+1/+1 CountersEfficient creatures and token-makers, combat tricks
w-u AzoriusAggroTempo / FlickerEvasion, ETB effects and flicker
u-b DimirControlReanimatorRemoval, card draw and recursion
b-r RakdosAggroAristocrats / ReanimatorBurn, removal and haste, sacrifice and reanimate
r-g GruulAggroTokens / BurnTokens plus burn and combat tricks
g-w SelesnyaAggroTokensTokens, combat tricks
w-b OrzhovMidrangeAristocratsRemoval and evasive creatures, tokens, sacrifice effects and recursion
b-g GolgariMidrangeAristocratsRemoval, and recursion with sacrifice effects and big monsters late game
g-u SimicMidrangeRampBounce creatures, ramp, big finishers
u-r IzzetControlTempo / BurnBurn spells, evasive creatures and card draw
r-w BorosAggroTokens / BurnTokens, combat tricks and burn
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