AvalancheMaster8 followersFollow
Art by Ryan YeeArt by Ryan Yee

A cube curator who doesn't get enough opportunities to actually draft their cubes in person.

My cubes (cubes with DEPRECATED are not actively managed):

Versatile Vistas v2.0 is my main cube, and the only one I own and maintain in paper. It's a 360 Unpowered Vintage cube with no shenanigans in it, just straightforward Magic the Gathering gameplay.

DEPCRECATED Versatile Vistas 180 is a 180 card version of my main cube, with minor differences. I use it mostly to understand my own thought process when designing my main environment, and have a tighter list that works better when playing with 4 drafters. I highly recommend you to try this experiment and create a version of your main cube that's half the size!

Only Artifacts Allowed is a highly experimental 360 cards novelty cube, where players are given Artifact Lands instead of Basic Lands to complete their deck, and every card has to either be an artifact, or mention artifacts (Clues, Equipment, Food, etc.) in its oracle text. This cube plays much like a Vintage Powered cube, where you can win the game on turn 2 or turn 3, and there's a wide power delta between individual cards in the environment. I plan on proxying this cube.

BEDHC (Budget EDH Cube) is, as the name suggests, a budget 4-player EDH cube, inspired by the two Commander Legends sets. This is the second cube I plan on owning in paper, and is designed around the idea of fun EDH gameplay that's free of the usual cEDH suspects one might find around my playgroup.

DEPRECATED Training Grounds is an experiment in creating a curated limited set environment for new players. It is essentially a reprints-only custom Standard Set, where not only are non-evergreen mechanics absent, but there are requirements such as "Keywords on commons and uncommons must have reminder text". This environment might not be as enjoyable to draft to the enfranchised limited player, because of the intentional on-the-rails experience, designed to help newer players assemble their decks.