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A small collection of new cards to try in the cube. Mostly red as I find that secion is lacking a little, we shall see how this pans out.

A nice little collection to add to the cube this week. Nothing amazing but some more tools for each colour to use. Thanksfully I was able to get some older versions of these cards, it is always nice to be able to expand my collection of magic cards.

Mainboard Changelist+1, -0

This card is in the cube, not sure when it was added but I clearly missed it.

A nice little update and addition of ten cards to the cube, Nothing overly fancy or spicy but good utility cards and some creaturs which were just missed when I first made a list. However, the interesting thing about this update is it all came from the recommender on Cube Cobra (A feature I have just discovered).

Overall Im happy with these additions though I may keep a eye on the creaturs as they seem a little weak but maybe just strong enhough to be worth it (oldschool creature power considered).

As usual if you have any input you want to give, feel free to commet. Many thanks.

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