I have been a Magic player since the dawn of time but have been cubing since 2012 during a time I was going to get out of magic. Instead of selling my collection I decided to create a draft environment so I could have a "boardgame" to play with friends for old times sake.
It was at this time I found "The Pauper Cube" wich was created by Adam Styborski and decided to build it with my collection, needing to trade for only a few minor cards. I have been keeping it updated (somwhat irregularly). Since then, it has since become regularly maintained and updated by the "Pauper Committee".
In 2019 I was looking for a more powerful cube experience, but noting on the vintage or legacy powerlevel, and eventually found "The Origonal Common/Uncommon Cube" which was created by Eric Klug, boy what an experience, and I have been keeping a copy up to date since then.
I have since then (2020, the lockdown fever dream) been getting into the oldschool 93/94 format and have been tinkering with a cube for that format wich has an EDH option. Its a little more budget than some other oldschool cubes and focuses heavly on Revised Edition as that was my "first" set.