Proxy Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Proxy Cube
Cube ID
Art by Richard WrightArt by Richard Wright
360 Card Powered Vintage Cube2 followers
Designed by cloudsrollingby
Mana Pool$18912.63

Most expensive cards are proxies
It's a mix of cube staples, EDH stars, nostalgia, and just plain fun cards.

Main theme is bold, sub-theme is italicized

w White: Aggro, Control, Go Wide // mid-range, blink
u Blue: Tempo, Control, Combo // mid-range, blink
b Black: Control, Aristocrats, Combo // stax, mid-range
r Red: Aggro, Combo, Mid-Range // spell-slinging, go wide
g Green: Ramp, Aggro, Mid-Range // combo, go wide

w-u Azorious: Control // blink
u-b Dimir: Mind Games // control
b-r Rakdos: Mid-Range // aristocrats
r-g Gruul: Aggro // ramp
g-w Selesnya: Mid-Range // go wide
w-b Orzhov: Stax // life gain
b-g Golgari: Mid-Range // graveyard
g-u Simic: Tempo // ramp
u-r Izzet: Spell slinging // mid-range
r-w Boros: Aggro // mid-range

For a commander variant, I'm testing the following cube as an "expansion pack":
Link to commander variant cube

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