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Artisan M15+
(540 Card Cube)
Artisan M15+
Art by Claudiu-Antoniu MagherusanArt by Claudiu-Antoniu Magherusan
540 Card Unpowered Legacy Cube2 followers
Designed by SeismicLawns
Mana Pool$205.37

This is an artisan cube using exclusively cards first printed with the border introduced with M15 and reprints into standard with the new border.

  1. Any set is fair game for new cards, regardless of format legality.
  2. Only standard sets with the current border are fair game for reprints. Counterspell is not present, for example.

Some themes present in the cube:

  • Evasion (namely flying)
  • Combat tricks, and buffs
  • Creature types matter (namely Cleric and Ninja)
  • +1/+1 counters
  • Graveyard shenanigans
  • Tokens matter
  • ETB/LTB effects

Example Archetypes:
WU: Flying
UB: Ninjas
BR: Sacrifice
RG: Power Buffs
GW: Counters
WB: Clerics/Life-gain
UR: Noncreature spells matter
BG: Graveyard
RW: Double Strike Buffs
GU: Tokens

A note on lands:
Each Cryptic Spires can be exchanged for the player's choice of dual land that has some minor upside or synergy, as follows:
-Crimelands (Desert, pings opponent for 1 on ETB)
-Guildgates (Gate)
-Typed Dual (From DMU, has basic land types of its two colors)
-Bridges (Artifact, indestructible)
This allows players to both choose their dual lands' colors, but also to slightly tweak the use they get out of their lands, and also enable more synergy cards without taking more card slots.

Mainboard Changelist+2, -2

This update is primarily to just tag everything, but also to lay out what I want out of the next big revamp coming up.

Some things I want to go deeper into:

  • Artifacts! I want to cut some of the lands for more colorless artifacts/cards, and want to get somewhere in the sweet spot of letting artifacts matter, but not making them matter too much in a color to make the colorless cards implicitly a color in the draft environment.
  • Lean into the "weird" archetypes, like GU tokens or WB clerics.
  • Make more focus on blinkers to make the high volume of etbs have a better payoff.
  • Work to create more connection points between archetypes. The volume of lands does one thing well, which is allow for lots of 3+ color decks where you work at the intersection of a couple archetypes, and I'd like to hone in on that connective glue a bit.

Things I want to avoid or trim:

  • The Steal of BR's Steal and Sac deck. This is both the least connective of the tissue of RB and also the most against the principle of the cube, where its success means you shouldn't have creatures you care about, which sucks. Also, thinking back on formats where steal and sac was good (like MID) reminded me that the deck is not fun when it's running at high efficiency.
  • Vestigial stuff. Izzet Draw-twos still has some parts that need to go, and some of the cards are just not in the power level of the cube at large anymore, and I think it's doubly apparent in the mutate cards and some of the multicolor cards.
  • Low Costs: This cube is really lean, I've found, and it makes the choice to play higher cost cards a binary choice of ramp or reanimate, both of which are slim. I also fear the prevalence of 2c aggro homogenizing the cube, so I want to make mana costs go a bit higher.

I'm excited to do the full update for the past 6 applicable sets, and hopefully look into acquiring the paper version of the cube soon!

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