This is a 3:2:1 cube. (3 of each common, 2 of each uncommon, and 1 of each rare/mythic. There is also only one of any commander.)
Each player starts with 3 packs of 20 random cards each. Each pack has 12 commons, 4 uncommons, 2 rare/mythic and 2 legendary commanders. When picking cards, pick 2 at a time.
All mono/colorless commanders have Partner and can be used with another mono/colorless commander in the command zone. Get creative with the partner pairings you come up with!
Decks consist of 60 cards within your commanders color identity. Singleton rule does not apply. All other normal commander rules apply.
White/Blue Artifacts
Blue/Black Reanimator
Black/Red Sacrifice
Red/Green Power Matters
Green/White Counters
White/Black Aristocrats
Blue/Red Spells
Black/Green Fungi
Red/White Equipment
Green/Blue Ramp