[Archived] Creative Cube (CubeCon 2023)
(385 Card Cube)
[Archived] Creative Cube (CubeCon 2023)
Art by Caroline GaribaArt by Caroline Gariba
Updated list for the Creative Cube can be found HERE and will be featured this year at CubeCon 2024!

Table of Contents

1 Core Vision
2 Drafting Accessibility
3 Primary Themes
4 Sample Decklists

I. Core Vision

The Creative Cube provides players with an environment that encourages exploration and innovation. Strong decks lean heavily on cross-synergies among their themes, though players will still find success while drafting traditional aggro, midrange, and control decks. Additionally, the cube strives to keep the power level high to allow for exciting gameplay.

(The Creative Cube originated from its parent cube: Kerby's Primary Cube)

w Eternal legal
u Mostly singleton (2x each fetchland & shockland)
b Synergy-focused environment
r Legacy-lite power level
g All Basic Lands are snow

II. Drafting Accessibility

The Creative Cube provides an inviting environment for intermediate and advanced players. Individual card complexity can be high and double-faced cards are included. (Cube excludes mechanics like dungeons, day/night, Ring tempts you, outside game pieces, and complex DFCs.)

When first approaching the cube, following traditional heuristics will provide players with competitive decks. Cube staples are powerful in this environment even without much synergy.

As players become more familiar with the environment, different synergies will crop up that provide them with fun interactions and creative deck-building decisions. Here are a few synergistic combinations:

Repeatable card draw + tokens

Dash to grow Yoshimaru

Cheat unearth trigger

Infinite drain w/ sac outlet

III. Primary Themes

The Creative Cube includes primary themes that each span across 3+ colors to best promote theme overlap and encourage splashing colors. To support this architecture, a large majority of cards can play multiple roles, acting as "glue" to pull themes together and allow drafters to build multi-faceted decks. Below are the themes, their most prevalent colors, and some examples. Keep in mind that off-color cards can further strengthen those themes.


Major wrc / Minor bg
Artifacts are represented in most colors (and colorless). White/red has the most equipment and payoffs, while other colors have a small smattering of support, artifact creatures, and/or artifact tokens.


Major br / Minor gw
Black/red provide the main sacrifice outlets and payoffs, leaning on white/green to provide plenty of fodder through tokens.


Major gw / Minor ubr
Green/white generate the most tokens and attempt to go big and/or wide. The other colors can help support token creation, often with some additional ways to cash in the tokens. There's a large variety of both creature and non-creature tokens, including a Food sub-theme.


Major rg / Minor u
Green provides a bunch of mana dorks and ramp effects, with red providing some explosive ramp through treasures. Blues provide some nice payoffs and ways to refill your hand.


Major rw / Minor gu
Red/white has the greatest density of legendary permanents, followed by green/blue. Note that the full suite of NEO channel lands are included, which will often be discounted due to the density of legendary creatures.


Major wu / Minor g
White/blue provides ways to exile and return permanents to rebuy their "enter the battlefield" effects, which includes creating new tokens with For Mirrodin! equipment.

High mana value matters

Major ub / Minor g
This is a fun build-around that takes advantage of cost reductions, like delve, and converts those mana values into a ton of damage at your opponent.

IV. Sample Decklists

You can find deck lists from recent drafts at https://twitter.com/kModzCubes

gwu Bant Legends & Tokens

rw Boros Legendary Celebration

ubr-g 4-Color Orb Control