Prismatic Omen Cube
(540 Card Cube)
Prismatic Omen Cube
Cube ID
Art by John AvonArt by John Avon
540 Card Cube22 followers
Designed by auhosj877
Mana Pool$17233.45
wubrg Prismatic Omen Cube wubrg

High powered | Easy to learn | Hard to master | Huge range of archetypes

Prismatic cube is 540 card non-powered cube with the following rules:

Every land has all basic land types

Mana can be spent as though it was mana of any type


Should I build my own copy of this cube? Yes. It's great.

Why should I build this cube?

  • Not having to worry about mana requirements allows for much more interesting and complex archetypes. For example, something like Fiery Justice is a great control card but its not one that is the right colors for most control decks for cube.
  • You get access to a wide range of non-basics that make people less likely to flood out. There's almost always something to do with your mana.
  • Getting to play with powerful cards you probably have never been able to utilize before because of weird color or land requirements (e.g. Breya, Etherium Shaper, Rushwood Legate, Kaya's Wrath)
  • This cube is a great combination of being easy to draft in a basic way, but hard to master. You will never not have enough playables because you can literally play every card in the cube in every deck. But, mastering the subtleties of each archetypes and the little ways cards interact with each other is very hard!
  • Because you will always have enough playables, it's a great cube for things like Winston draft, Sealed or just picking up a stack of cards and playing.

Would it work with X, Y, or Z theme? Sure, go for it. My cube doesn't have a specific theme (although it does have specific archetypes) but you could definitely make a themed cube with this same rules set. Something like combo cube would work great with this rule set.
How do Learn/Lesson cards work in this cube? Do you have to draft the lessons? You do not! Every learn card comes with access to a "lesson board" with every lesson that has been printed.

I bet Carpet of Flowers and Last Stand would be great in this cube! Why aren't they in? They were. They were way too good.

Supported archetypes (and example cards)

Below is a list of the archetypes that the cube specifically supports. I'm sure there are plenty more niche archetypes that could be created though!

+1/+1 Counters

Planeswalker Tribal


Birthing Pod




Creature Untap Aura Combo

Creature sacrifice combos

Creature Lifegain Combos

Twin Combo

Saheeli Combo

Dark Depths combo

Big Lands

Cheating out big spells

Cheat Artifacts



Artifacts Matter/Sacrifice




Draw-7 Combos

Shallow Grave Reanimator

Cheat fatties

Graveyard matters

Discard matters

Legendary matters

Multicolored matters

Pure Aggro

Pure Control

Midrange good stuff


Invasion of Alara

My Card Choice Philosophy For This Cube
  • When choosing between two cards with similar effects and power level, I choose the one that is more interesting and/or the one that wouldn't get played in most cubes because of mana requirements (e.g. Bringer of the Blue Dawn, Esper Charm)
  • I try to use as many cards cards that require choices when possible (Izzet Charm, Aether Channeler)
  • For archetype-specific cards, I try to use ones that fit into more than one archetype if possible (e.g. Abzan Ascendancy, Oath of Ajani)
  • I try to avoid cards that are powerful but generally lead to uninteresting games (True-Name Nemesis, Pack Rat). The nature of this cube means there are more than enough extremely powerful cards to choose from that are more interesting.
  • Part of the fun of this cube is being able to play lots of utility lands so I try to avoid any cards that punish people for playing non-basics (e.g. Price of Progress). Wasteland is a key exception to this rule but its important to other decks so it stays. I do allow for cards like Ghost Quarter and Tectonic Edge which I consider to be more answers to powerful non-basics.
  • I'm willing to include doubles of a card if I think its a key piece to an interesting archetype and there really aren't any great replacements for it (e.g. Winota, Joiner of Forces)
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