Clone of The Peasant+ Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Clone of The Peasant+ Cube
Cube ID
Art by Eric FortuneArt by Eric Fortune
360 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by PureMountainFred
Mana Pool$1027.71


  1. Overview and History
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Archetypes
    w-u Azorius
    u-b Dimir
    b-r Rakdos
    r-g Gruul
    g-w Selesnya
    w-b Orzhov
    u-r Izzet
    b-g Golgari
    r-w Boros
    g-u Simic
  4. Changelog


The Peasant+ Cube is a 360 card peasant cube that uses rare lands for mana fixing. The goal is to create a powerful draft environment using the best commons and uncommons from throughout Magic's history. There is a focus on archetypes, with multiple archetypes available to each color combination.

The Peasant+ cube was originally built in 2014, starting as a copy of Eric Klug's The Original Common/Uncommon Cube. It eventually evolved into a separate draft environment and grew to a 450 card cube in 2015. In 2018, it again grew into a 540 card cube. This cube proved to be a great draft experience, but was too large for our playgroup and resulted in inconsistent drafting. The cube was reduced to 360 cards during 2020 and the decision to add rare lands into the mix was made. The addition of rare lands helps increase deck consistency by reducing the number of lands that enter the battlefield tapped. This change assisted decks in becoming more powerful and consistent as well as assisting aggressive strategies.

The Peasant+ Cube is one of the featured cubes at CubeCon 2022. Check out their website for more information about this great event!

Design Considerations

  • Card legality is determined by a card having a printing at Common or Uncommon rarity. Rarity shifts upward or downward (e.g. Rare to common or common to rare) are allowed
  • No set restrictions, supplemental sets are legal
  • Non-foil cards are preferred, extended art and showcase cards are preferred when possible but evaluated on a case-by-case basis
  • The following cards are banned from this cube environment:

Arabian Nights U2 rarity cards
Library of Alexandria
Mana Drain
Sol Ring

wu Azorius wu

Azorius decks in the Peasant+ Cube tend to come in two different flavors. Control decks built with this color combination tend to use blue counter spells and card draw with white removal to control the board and slow the opponent down, then win with a large creature. Azorius decks can also utilize flicker effects to reuse enter the battlefield effects to gain incremental advantage over the opponent.

ub Dimir ub

Dimir decks tend to focus on two avenues: control and reanimation. Dimir control decks differ from Azorius ones in that they tend to play fewer creatures and focus more on instant speed interaction. Reanimation decks often utilize blue looting effects to put large creatures in the graveyard and then return them to the battlefield

br Rakdos br

Rakdos decks often utilize sacrifice effects to gain advantage. They can also take more of a midrange slant utilizing Black and Red removal spells to control the board.

rg Gruul rg

Gruul decks often utilize mana acceleration to play large creatures ahead of curve. They can also utilize aggressive red and green creatures to attack the opponent. Gruul aggro decks tend to be slower than their Boros counterparts but have larger creatures as a tradeoff.

gw Selesnya gw

Selesnya decks tend to be aggressive, but not as fast as their Boros counterparts. Selesnya deck utilize creature tokens to go wide and overwhelm the opponent. They may also utilize +1/+1 counters to create large creatures and

wb Orzhov wb

Text goes here

ur Izzet ur

Similar to the Dimir Control deck, but using red removal instead of black removal. This deck also has the ability to
A tempo deck that rewards casting spells and playing efficient creatures.

bg Golgari bg

rw Boros rw

Boros decks are often very aggressive, aiming to leverage token creating cards to go wide

gu Simic gu

A deck that aims to leverage both mana and card advantage to overwhelm the opponent.
This deck utilizes efficient green and blue creatures to attack the opponent while using blue spells to out-tempo the opponent.

cc Other Archetypes cc

A deck that aims to leverage both mana and card advantage to overwhelm the opponent.
This deck utilizes efficient green and blue creatures to attack the opponent while using blue spells to out-tempo the opponent.


09.11.2022 Version 1.0 of the primer
10.15.2022 Version 1.1 Updated archetypes