If you’re interested in getting a sneak peek of changes that could potentially happen to the cube, make sure to check out https://cubecobra.com/cube/list/airbornemoxenafterdark - This is where I post testing changes before committing them to the main build of the cube.
The Peasant+ Cube is a 450 card peasant cube that uses rare lands for mana fixing. The Peasant+ Cube aims to provide a high powered environment, much like an unpowered Eternal cube, but through the lens of a peasant restriction for non land cards. This facilitates the inclusion of more power outliers than are typically found in peasant cubes, which results in a greatly increased speed and power level of the format.
The Peasant+ cube was originally built in 2012, starting as a copy of Eric Klug's The Original Common/Uncommon Cube. It eventually evolved into a separate draft environment and grew to a 450 card cube in 2015. In 2018, it again grew into a 540 card cube. This cube proved to be a great draft experience, but was too large for our playgroup and resulted in inconsistent drafting. The cube was reduced to 360 cards during 2020 and the decision to add rare lands into the mix was made. The addition of rare lands helps increase deck consistency by reducing the number of lands that enter the battlefield tapped. This change assisted decks in becoming more powerful and consistent as well as assisting aggressive strategies. Following CubeCon 2022, the cube was increased to 450 cards where it remains today. The added variance provided three benefits: it increased the replay-ability of the cube by providing variance in drafts, additional cards were added to help support smaller archetypes within the cube, and because not every card is drafted anymore, certain archetypes that were borderline too powerful have been weakened.
The Peasant+ Cube has been featured at the following Cube events:
CubeCon 2022, Madison, WI October 2022
The Ice Cube, Milwaukee,WI January 2024
CubeCon 2024, Madison, WI October 2024
Arabian Nights U2 rarity cards
Library of Alexandria
Mana Drain
Sol Ring
Gut, True Soul Zealot
Additionally, the following mechanics are not present in this cube
The Peasant+ Cube aims to provide individually powerful cards to the player to assemble into their deck however they see fit. Below are examples of cards commonly found in decks of their color combinations, but this list is in no way exhaustive.
Decks in the Peasant+ Cube sometimes feature more than two colors thanks to the inclusion of rare lands for mana fixing. Other decks build around a single card or select few cards. Here are some examples that don't quite fit in to the traditional color archetypes above.
@ivandrawgo's Peasant Plus Cube
@sammich's Peasant Cube
@kaywinnet's Peasant+ Cube
You can view Eric Klug's original cube here in all of it's google doc spreadsheet glory
Header image by @petiteperson
Much thanks to the Madison and Milwaukee cube communities for assisting with feedback, playtesting, and listening to me explain why Strip Mine is an okay card to play with.
02.09.2025 Version 1.4 Primer updated, banned cards expanded, updated archetype images
09.25.2024 Version 1.3 Updated primer for CubeCon Submission lock date
04.23.2023 Version 1.2 Updated archetypes for submission to CubeCon
10.15.2022 Version 1.1 Updated archetypes
09.11.2022 Version 1.0 of the primer
Minor update for Aetherdrift, upgrading a few effects in red and white along with testing out a few multicolor options. I've been impressed by Sheltered by Ghosts in other cubes so I want to try it here along with Essence Reliquary. Considered adding Veteran Beastrider but I like the current selesnya section as is.