Crackdown and noetic scales shut down many decks and become cards that you answer or lose. I may add noetic scales if all the creature cheat decks become too powerful but I can only see Reanimator being a problem. Reanimator is easily nerfed by changing the mana cost of the reanimate spells.
Verdeloth was included for the big ramp deck but I feel hornet queen would also be useful in that deck along with others. The inclusion of hornet queen means green is less likely to need wing snare as a sideboard card.
Juggernaut doesn't really have a place in aggro decks as all colours have better 4 drop options or the aggro deck wouldn't want a 4 that dies to most removal. For some reason I thought it had trample which would have made it much better. Aeolipile is a fine removal spell for colours that don't have access to it. Temporal aperture is a unique effect for the cube and seems like a fun include for slow decks.
Most of the cards added are featured in similar cubes but were omitted from mine. I've removed the sisay package to make room for some of these cards. Instead WG will be encouraged to go wide or big with Asmira and Mirari's wake in the gold section.
Some of the includes do not have clear swaps so I have just added them but I will remove 10 at some point in the near future.
After listening to Lucky Paper Radio's episode on their new Neoclassical cube, I've been reflecting on some changes. They mentioned that tutors in restricted environments allow for more niche decks to work due to lack of card density. They also pointed out that the era of older cards was dominated with powerful cards that required you to build your deck around them. I have added some cards that I think fit this bill which should give a different thing to consider in drafting.
I have changed the ub artifact deck to a mill deck. The artifact deck was quite parasitic but powerful. The mill deck is a typical UB control deck with the plan of grinding its way to victory.
The artifact focused deck is now WR. This works because both these colours have mono aggro decks so the artifact deck won't stretch them as far. The colours both feature land destruction to synergise with the rocks. Goblin welder combos well with several artifact creatures by reseting their downsides.
Stupor is the worst of the discard spells so it mostly goes to sideboards. Oppression was in the cube for the RB to make the discard not as relevant. However the RB decks I have drafted don't have enough creatures. Instead I've added some generically powerful creatures. Nether shadow's upside was tough to get going so Brood of cockroaches' ability will likely come up more often with sacrifice or board stalls.
With Momentary Blink now being in the cube, 3 of the multicolour cards could be played in any white deck which felt a bit imbalanced. Goblin legionnaire is a solid creature for WR. Tidehollow Sculler can get a removal spell out of your opponent's hand that could deal with your reanimated fatty.
Mogg War Marshall encourages goblins to go wide and gives sacrifice fodder to the BR deck.
Momentary blink is a clear signpost for WU and this archetype is now fairly complete in my eyes.
The buddy lands are classics so I'm glad they're able to be introduced to the enemy colours.
I initially don't think the other spoiled cards benefit the cube's archetypes and I still want to avoid adding new cards that are just generically powerful. In particular, I am avoiding adding any planeswalkers.
I basically built the cube again from scratch after listening to a bunch of podcasts (mainly by Lucky Paper Radio). This seemed easier than trying to find enough individual cuts for the cards I wanted to add whilst also keeping the various densities right.
The first step in this was selecting around 10-12 cards for the core archetypes (mostly the same as before but UB is now artifacts thanks to Brother's War commander cards). This introduced some paraticism which is something I had previously been trying to avoid as much as possible. However, I realised in my test drafts that I kept needing to cut a significant number of cards that could fit in the deck and I felt that some micro-archetypes didn't stand out from the generic macro-archetypes. I then made sure I had desired densities of specific effects (removal, cantrips, etc.) and finally balanced out the curves of each colour. The lands have also got a significant shift for two reasons: I want the cube to be as close to singleton as possible while still functioning; and I don't own all the old border fetchlands so it was more budget friendly to pick up the commander decks.
I will give some brief notes about the specific colour and archetype decisions made.
White weenie was trying to get enough 1 drops to compare with other cubes but the 1 power creatures were not effective for aggro. I have added more WW evasive 2 power creatures for the deck instead. This raises its curve but ultimately should make it more consistent.
The reanimator deck has not changed much other than the reanimate effects being shifted to the 3 to 4 cmc range to slow the deck down. If testing shows this to be a bad move now that the other decks have been improved then it is easy to make some one-for-one changes.
Blue's interaction density has been increased by using more counterspells and tempo spells. The former is to showcase more of blue's identity and the latter allows for tempo decks to be more of a thing (and they play double-duty in the WU flicker deck).
Artifacts is the most notable shift. It used to be in UR which competed with the pingers deck and there wasn't much reward for playing it. The best artifacts were the diamonds which were rarely going to the same player as they fit in all mid-range and control decks. Now artifacts is a mid-range deck that relies more on synergy than ramp.
Zombie spark is a bit closer to aristocrats with more of a mix of sacrifice and discard effects depending on what creatures end up being available in the draft. This archetype mainly uses these effects to have a mid and late game plan at the expense of being slower than pure aggro.
Red has steered away from having XR burn spells which were in the cube to be flexible and finish the game with infinite mana. This decision was made because the Palinchron + sneak attack combo was not consistently in the draft. X board wipe spells like Earthquake have been introduced instead. These can be utilised most effectively by the GR deck since their creatures normally have more toughness so they can cast the wipe with a cost that benefits them.
Multicolour spells have been added to act more as signposts to the colour combination's archetype. This involved intentionally cutting some effects that had similar effects in a single colour (e.g. absorb basically being a counterspell).
Tinker into fatty artifacts deck is tough to get to work and the pay-off don't justify the effort. The big artifact creatures have been removed for utility cards. This also freed up some of the untapped cards that synergised with the colossuses.
I'm trying red blue as a pinger theme which uses spells to stabilise and the pingers to maintain control/slowly win.
I've removed the planeswalkers as they don't fit in with the era that inspired the cube and are very powerful standalone cards. Sawtooth loon and quicksilver dagger are good signal cards for their respective archetypes.
Introduced 1 of each fetch for now although this could go up to 2 of each. The bounce trilands were removed as they are lacklustre and a card from each colour. Kor haven slows the game down and only benefits white based control decks which don't need the help. Brawn is rarely useful since most big green creatures have trample already. Horseshoe crab only synergises with opposition (a card that doens't need more help). Keldon firebombers doesn't have a particular home.
I am also introducing Titania (a personal favourite). She may prove too strong with the fetches but I am hoping she will be a powerful, yet beatable, finisher. Zuran orb and sylvan safekeeper are added to help her but Zuran orb could be used by grindy decks.
Blast from the past fits into any red deck. It also has the benefit of being another mana sync for the palinchron combo deck.
Gilded drake functions similar to abduction but doesn't let the opponent get their creature back. Gilded drake also introduces more utility for the bounce spells in the cube.
Boros is difficult to support as mono white and mono red are more viable options. Lotus petal gives both of these decks a boost to both these aggro decks. Petal being one time use means slower decks are less likely to want it (making it a better inclusion than something like mox diamond).
Adding the temur signets helps the upheaval, wildfire and artifact decks. The multicolour cards being removed just gave added redundancy but did not bring anything unique to signal the pairings.
Scalpelexis doesn't have synergy with other decks outside of wildfire.
Parallax tide is a much more versatile card that combos with instant speed enchantment removal.
The multi-coloured sections of the cube suffer the most from the old border constraint. With the new secret lair, a few of the weaker cards can be sorted. This change also inspired me to go back and put in some other new old border cards to improve the viability of the flicker, goblins and zombie spark decks.
Catastrophe can be useful in a midrange or control deck when ahead or behind whereas kirtar's wrath is only good in control.
Centaur chieftain's threshold ability is quite inconsistent and I feel brawn will end up getting more damage through over the course of a game.
Oath of Druids is an interesting build around that only costs one slot. I primarily see this in a deck but
both have big creatures that could be worth cheating into play. Harrow plays a similar role to yavimaya grangers but harrow fits into this oath deck better.
Jolrael's ability has too big of a cost so she is being replaced with a more efficient legend that can fit in all midrange decks: Mirri.
Kor haven is another boost to the legends-matters deck that I had previously overlooked.
Oath of Ghouls and krovikan horrors give the hand recursion aspect of black a bit more consistency.
Keldon firebombers stops your opponent getting to enough mana where they start outclassing your swarm of threats. I am expecting it to be particularly good against control as it can keep the deck of board-wipe mana.
I am attempting to give selesnya more of identity by adding captain sisay to allow for a "legends matters" deck. The creature replacements are as close to the same as I could find in the legends slots.
Glory does not create fun gameplay. You either cannot beat it or it does nothing. It struggles to find a nice middle ground. I may re-add it if the weenie deck struggles.
Miraculous recovery is a great card but a 4 cmc card is needed more than a 5 for white.
Feldon (a pet card), anger and Lim-dul's paladin both seem good in the off-brand Aristocrats deck. Pyre zombie is too costly meaning if its the best thing you can do with your mana then you're probably losing. Goblin cadets is good against creature-less decks but they are rare in the cube and red seems to have a plentiful supply of 1 drops. Ghitu encampment being tapped is a significant cost in red compared to the other colours.
Shimmering barrier doesn't have a clear place in any micro-archetypes and I want to see how pegasus stampede plays.