I'll be at CubeCon this year and this cube will be featured in the main event. Happy to talk about and play old-bordered, cube, and everything in-between.
Don't want to be trying out cards for CubeCon. Replaced with old reliables. List now completely matches paper for the event.
Goal of the change is to cut down on more niche strategies and bolster existing.
I didn't like Replenish much. It is a rare for many enchantments to get into the graveyard naturally. Blue can help make that happen with cards like Attunement and Intuition, but the enchantress deck usually needs to be heavy Green. I may try it again in the future, but would need to tune blue to have more enchantments.
Prismatic Strands has never hit the mark. It rarely works out well and is usually an over-costed spell to save one creature.
Befoul and Aftershock feel like a bit too much mana, not worth the flexibility. Replaced one with Ice Storm so land destruction wasn't hurt too bad.
Tahngarth didn't feel great. Another card that rarely works out well while Skizzik and Ancient Hydra can always deliver.
Imperial Recruiter has been waning in power with changes over the years. He really isn't too exciting at the moment with the absence of Goblin Welder and goblin typal.
Ancestral Mask has felt okay. It can certainly give the enchantress deck one huge creature. But if that creature doesn't have any evasion it rarely got there before a kill spell was found for it.
Junk Diver was bad. Just rarely works out right.
All of the cards coming in have been in the cube at least once in the past. Focus is on bolstering current strategies.
This is a rare time where I made the changes in my physical cube weeks ago and am just now getting around to updating CubeCobra. That said, this round of changes have been an improvement across the board.
Replenish and the supporters have been okay. The supporters are good cards, so no problems there. An actual Replenish deck is very hard to get together though. The enchantress deck is already good, so you don't get anything for free.
The black changes for more midrange threats have been great.
Menacing Ogre has been surprisingly strong. Tahngarth leaves some to desire and makes me wish I had Ancient Hydra or Skizzik instead.
Enduring Renewal gone and a couple supporters left with it. This has been a welcome change. The replacements have played a good role.
Overall adding more midrange threats across the board and cutting down on some niche role-players has been a positive change.
I've been so impressed by the new land cyclers in vintage cube I thought I should try them here. Twisted Abomination has always been great so these should also fit well. Left out Shoreline Ranger because it is pretty bad for the rate and the color doesn't have a lot of synergies with it. I took out the Mirage slow-fetches (and Tithe) like Flood Plain because I didn't want too much reliance on typed lands. It also enables me to replace them with lands like City of Traitors, Maze of Ith, and Thawling Glaciers that synergize with the land-untappers in right now.
Resilient Wanderer, Undead Gladiator and Patchwork Gnomes in to bolster the number of discard outlets. It got too low in the last iteration.
Waylay (white ball lightning) is back. Nice utility for aggro or control decks.
Trying out Abeyance again. It was just okay in the past, but it is a powerful card so I want to try it again.
Some perfect Ux tempo decks were drafted recently that Curiosity would have been perfect in.
Trying out Befoul since Aftershock has been decent.
Ill-Gotten Gains is in the first time to as an interesting combo enabler and card advantage.
Silent Specter seems great as an early reanimation and decent as a midrange threat.
Skittering Skirge is so overrate for old border. He fits perfect in low creature count black decks.
Goblin Taskmaster doesn't seem great, but I want another red 1 drop.
Ball Lightning is back after years on the bench. Ride the lightning!
Ancestral Mask is pretty parasitic, but it seems like it will be very high powered in the enchantress decks.
The seals have always been great, but I've never tried out Seal of Strength. Nice that it could fit in a general green beatdown deck, or an enchantress deck.
River Boa in to teach those blue mages a lesson. Blue has always been the best color and that is fine since it warrants more drafters, but it is nice to have cards like this to help.
Spectral Lynx is always just okay, but it is great to have modal cards in the multicolor slot.
Trying out Temporal Spring after a long time. It may be better now with more support for UG tempo decks.
Suffocating Blast sometimes feels amazing and other times it feels like a punishment. I'm willing to try again to ride those highs.
Squee's Embrace tries to avoid the classic aura problem, but it can still lead to blowouts. Regardless I want more auras in white to support the all the protection it has and this one seems good.
Thornscape Familiar seems great in a RG beatdown deck or a WG enchantress deck.
Stalking Stones back in after years on the bench. It was okay, but may be better now with more artifact deck support.
5 mana is too much for Golden Wish.
Not too many Ravages of War effects are needed and Cataclysm is filling the role for now.
Vengeful Dreams was awkward. Waiting for an opponent to attack and keeping up the mana to use as a discard outlet.
Arcane Denial was fine. It is best in combo decks, and they don't need the help.
Volrath's Stronhold is always underwhelming. Black decks are so black mana hungry that running a colorless land is a significant downside.
Imperial Seal not really needed. I think it is a trap for new players too thinking it is better than it actually is.
Cabal Therapy was sometimes amazing, but I often found a generic effect like Blackmail would have been better.
Ascendant Evincar was pretty good. It led to some awkward deckbuilding and board states where you didn't want to play your 6 drop, which never feels good.
Sadistic Hypnotist was good, but I wanted a card with more stats, so Bane of the Living is in. Bane also can sweep up small creatures like Evincar.
Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed and Sengir Autocrat are good, but not needed and I wanted to lower the black creature curve a bit.
Dauthi Slayer is a great aggro creature, but too many shadow creatures aren't needed as black is mostly a support aggro color and slayer being two black pips got it the cut.
Goblin Welder has been in for a long time, but it was never that great. Like Tinker it doesn't have great targets. Tinker is at least in the Tolarian Academy color and works a lot better there.
Rogue Kavu is just too awkward. Where [[Mogg Flunkies] succeeds, kavu fails.
Too many red fatties like Thunder Dragon aren't needed.
Reckless Abandon was okay, why is it not an instant?!
Gauntlet of Might too narrow, fun though.
Gaea's Blessing is always okay, awkward in green with creature, enchantment, and graveyard payoffs.
Quirion Ranger and her friend Priest of Titania out. Fits in too few decks for this kind of effect.
Mirri's Guile is okay, I think Seal will replace it well.
Gamekeeper is okay, but something needs cut.
Meddling Mage has same Cabal Therapy problem. Sometimes great, and other times bad.
Void rarely fits well into a deck, even if it does then it often functions as a 5 mana terror.
Orcish Lumberjack is pretty good, but ramping out Phantom Centaur earlier is much worse than Minsc and Boo.
Coiling Oracle is one of my favorites, but it isn't true old border and isn't needed. He will probably come back some day.
Nightscape Familiar is being replaced with Sunscape Familiar since many storm decks have been UG as of late. I also think it will be a great fit in UW control and Gx enchantress decks.
Lightning Angel is so narrow even though I love the card.
Jinxed Idol was okay. It was very bad in some matchups though and you never want a dead card in an aggro deck.
Golden Wish can't be good right, 5 mana? Well, let's try it.
Pemmin's Aura is in alongside two cards that make infinite mana with it - Krosan Restorer and Argothian Elder. Braingeyser in alongside them for a good mana outlet. I love that all these cards are good on their own. Bad thing is that this combo isn't popular so drafters may not see it.
Tighten up black with cards better in a wider range of decks.
Trying out Phage the Untouchable. The only two combos with it are Volrath's Shapeshifter and a reanimate + stifle. Not great, but I love how it lines up with the same cards that combo with Phyrexian Dreadnought.
Rogue Kavu seems bad, but it could be fine. Red 2cmc is a constant struggle.
We've had some big red decks show up lately, so I wanted to put some extra support in for it. I'm excited to see how it turns out.
With the land untappers in for the Pemmin's Aura combo, I wanted to try out Quirion Ranger too. She doesn't seem like she'd fit in every deck, but when she does, she will be great. Priest of Titania in for the dream curve with Ranger.
Mulch in to help support the threshold, gy archetypes.
Trying out Centaur Chieftain. It saw some tournament play back in it's time. Certainly not a bad base rate.
Void is sweet. I think it may fit in more decks in this iteration.
Cathodion and Su-Chi go infinite quite easily with Enduring Renewal. They aren't bad rates either and go well in the artifact deck.
Mindless Automaton is nice is with damage on the stack. A discard outlet too. This robot could be nice.
Jinxed Idol seems good for punishing the often-strong, low-creature count decks. I think this will fit well in many aggressive decks.
Bringing back in the slow-fetches after a long while on the bench. We will see how they play out only have the allied colors.
Resilient Wanderer is a fine discard outlet, but 4 mana isn't usually where you want it.
Trying to focus most of the artifact deck support to just colorless.
Zulaport Cutthroat was nice, but didn't really fit the feel of the cube well.
Festering Goblin was fine, never exciting.
Nester Shambler not really needed.
Stronghold Assassin didn't feel like a great payoff for having sac fodder since it wasn't great in all matchups.
The Abyss was good, but it isn't always needed in the cube.
Yawgmoth's Bargain just wasn't working well in this iteration. Storm leaning more blue.
Dwarven Miner was fine, but two of the effect wasn't needed.
Blast-Furance Hellkite was perfect for the job of giving the artifact deck a better kill card and a sneak target. Just didn't really fit the feel.
Faithless Looting not really needed.
Stronghold Gambit was funny, but bad. It was nice sleeving it up.
Devastation was good, but it isn't always needed in the cube.
Green ramp switched out for similar cards.
Why do I keep adding Ravenous Baloth back in? He taunts me. The 4 slot for green ain't great, but he ain't it.
Saproling Cluster and Fecundity were fun, but not great. They got play on their own, but felt underwhelming.
Sterling Grove was good and it will definitely be back someday. I like how it is a signpost for the deck. Just wanted the GW count lower and this is parasitic.
Thopter Squadron always plays out fine. I wish it were a little stronger.
Thorn of Amethyst and Mishra's Helix cut, too many hate cards.
Altars are out. They were fine, but fit in few decks.
Bottled Cloister was good, but Grafted Skullcap is true old-border and plays a similar role.
Trading Post is out :( I love this card, but it doesn't fit the feel that well.
The more niche lands are out to make room for the slow-fetch lands. I liked all of these.
I don't normally post for fashion upgrades, but this is a big one. With the collectors' edition acquired I can finally set sights on making the cube proxy free. Can't wait to shuffle up the lotus.
Goblin Engineer doesn't really add much. He rarely fits into a deck and if he does he isn't that great. In theory he should add another dimension to red alongside welder, but isn't good enough to do that.
Destructive Urge is pretty good, but not very exciting. Very swingy card. Trying out Stronghold Gambit for fun.
Life from the Loam is too parasitic. It isn't really needed. Trying out Eladamri's Vineyard for fun. It seems great in a RG stompy deck. Go big quickly and punish your opponents with mana burn.
Temporal Aperture is fine in exactly one type of artifact deck. Then you hit a bunch of lands with it and it doesn't even feel good there. Trying out Bottled Cloister from RVR. Feels like an old card with the built in drawback.
Goblin Trenches is fine. It doesn't even need loam. I find the decks that want it though already have better ones in Mobilization and Sacred Mesa.
Finally a good simic card in Coiling Oracle. I love this guy. We will see if he feels at home here.
Mind Over Matter is fun, but rarely finds a home. Arcane Denial will takes its place temporarily as I've liked it in the past.
I have been slowly adding more and more to the lands strategy. I've kept some things in and taken some things out from it as I've gone. This is the finishing touch. If I don't like the the strategy or what it lends to other strategies after this then I'll be cutting a chunk of them. Happy to try out Lotus Vale, it's son Lotus Field has been good in the mtgo cube. I love Life from the Loam and am happy to try it but suspect it won't be very good. Goblin Trenches, Future Sight, Crop Rotation are coming back in to drive it home.
Adding some cards back in to reinforce graveyard strategies in green with Mystic Enforcer, Nimble Mongoose, and Hermit Druid.
Trying out Meddling Mage for the first time. I don't think it will be great, but I would love it was good enough.
Gonna give Mind Over Matter a go. It is good with Time Vault and Arcanis of course. It also has a lot of little synergies like Lotus Vale or Overgrowth to make everything in your hand into a ritual.
Silver Wyvern is back in to help blue decks finish games.
Aluren and much of its support is out. It is rarely good. Fun though. Maybe one day I can get it just right.
Hunting Pack isn't needed with Brain Freeze, Tendrils, and wishes to get those two.
Dream Halls doesn't really feel like it is needed, but could come back in if I get some more big non-creature spells that want cheated out.
Braingeyser isn't needed with the amount of x-spells in right now. Death Grasp took its place nicely.
Pattern of Rebirth and Veteran Explorer are great in the right deck. Having all that support is tough though along with a creature you want to cheat out or find for a combo.
Holdays are over, back to just one set of power.
Trying Millikin again, I tried it many years ago but the cube has changed a lot since then. The mill part is more important and Ornithopter of Paradise has been good.
Trying Temporal Aperture for the artifact deck. It was part of original mud decks, but those had a lot of monoliths and keys to support it.
Graveborn Muse is back in. It is a fine card, but is best in decks that lean aggressive which the curve supports right now.
Prismatic Strands is coming back for the first time in a while. It was okay in the past, but could be a lot better now with the discard cards in white.
Trying out vengeful dreams. Removal is great of course, but it also has nice synergies with the white reanimator archetype.
Thalakos Seer is interesting as a blink bounce target to get a draw every time. Can also draw your deck with some Aluren loops. Of course it has shadow too which has some good combos. We will see how it is. Repulse out because too many of these effects in at the moment.
Imperial Seal to help out with all the weird combos in right now. Phyrexian Tower just isn't needed, plenty of good sac outlets in the cube.
Words of War is always mediocre. Spellshock back in to fill its role at least in more aggro decks.
Eladamri's Call just never fits. There are plenty of creature based combos in the cube at the moment, but WG never fits in the decks well. It is fine in the enchantress deck to fetch one, but really not needed.
Every December I like to put double fast-mana power in my cube as well as a bunch of fun cards. A lot of difficult, but fun combos that go together this iteration. Trying out leaning harder into blaggro.
Excited to have all the good moxen in old-border and represented in this cube. Replacing Urza's Bauble. It was decent, but Mox Opal goes in a lot of the same decks.
Silver Wyvern has been good and it speeds up games like I wanted. A nice top end for blue. Trying Quicksilver in its place because I think it will be a bit better.
Taking out some white cards that prevent combat. Teferi's Moat is coming in as a replacement that is more narrow and doesn't prevent attacking. Moat will come back in if I feel like white needs help.
New old-border cards that don't really add much like Tribute Mage, Lingering Souls, Mishra's Foundry, and Knight of the Reliquary. And others that don't fit the feel like Courser, Terastodon, Soulherder, and Karn. Karn particularly because of mana burn.
Raging Goblin is just weak. Goblin Guide will take its place to power up red aggro and hopefully feel old-border with its drawback.
Kamahl, Pit Fighter seemed pretty decent but the curve for red was too high.
I think Anger fits pretty well into this cube, but people were getting trapped into it and just putting it into their red aggro decks where it severely underperforms.
White got replacements that can help defensively but aren't so oppressive.
Vampire Hounds seems interesting as a discard outlet. First time I'm trying him.
Red is getting some nice hasters as replacements for the beatdown. I'm skeptical if Goblin Guide will fit the feel of the cube and if Lava Runner is good enough. Only way to know is try.
Crop Rotation is in because I was so impressed with it in the MTGO Vintage Cube. That of course has depths but the real power of it is getting the powerhouses of Tolarian Academy, Gaea's Cradle and Strip Mine.
Ravenous Baloth back after a while to give the beatdown. I don't like life gain in the cube because the aggro decks are pretty weak but I think he could be okay again.
Trying out Death Grasp. Seems like a great midrange spell, but also a good infinite mana outlet.
Restoring some of the multicolor balance with Teferi's Moat and Goblin Trenches. They aren't my favorite but they have their place.
Anvil of Bogardan seems really sweet with many of the cube archetypes. Trying it out for the first time.
Trying out Ash Barrens again. I think it will fit better in the 540.