This is a rare time where I made the changes in my physical cube weeks ago and am just now getting around to updating CubeCobra. That said, this round of changes have been an improvement across the board.
Replenish and the supporters have been okay. The supporters are good cards, so no problems there. An actual Replenish deck is very hard to get together though. The enchantress deck is already good, so you don't get anything for free.
The black changes for more midrange threats have been great.
Menacing Ogre has been surprisingly strong. Tahngarth leaves some to desire and makes me wish I had Ancient Hydra or Skizzik instead.
Enduring Renewal gone and a couple supporters left with it. This has been a welcome change. The replacements have played a good role.
Overall adding more midrange threats across the board and cutting down on some niche role-players has been a positive change.