(360 Card Cube)
Blog Posts (6)
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Ashachor posted to Ashacube -

Legends is hard, there aren't enough cards.
Tokens isn't fun to deal with in a physical sense. Having to keep a million tokens available and then dig through them during the games are a hassle.

The entire archetype is getting replaced with +1/+1 counters.

The "planeswalkers matters" primary theme in red made balancing the cube very difficult. The card pool for that archetype is very narrow so I had to throw in nearly every playable red walker. I want an archetype that I have better control over and plays better with the cube as a whole.

I decided to pivot into "treasures matters". This is a very commander-only theme. You will find cards in constructed formats that create treasure, but it generally isn't the whole purpose of the deck. There is a huge number of cards that create treasure and use treasure. Those cards also overlap heavily with artifacts matter, and are generally playable in aggressive tempo decks. Both of the enemy pairs this cube wants to focus on.

Better support and larger card pool
More flexibility in the color as a whole
I don't have to balance around an entire deck not have creatures
I don't have to balance around colors needing dedicated planeswalker removal
Plays better with RW artifacts and UR tempo
Can build combo with Magda + Hellkite Tyrant
Can build aggro with Painful Distributor, Swashbuckler Extraordinaire, and Crime Novelist

I lose Transmogrify
Might make the cube feel too artifact heavy
Lots of work to rip out an entire archetype and rebalance everything
Feels more "generic" and less narrow that I originally wanted for the cube
A "treasure" archetype can mean a lot of things from storm, dragons, dwarves, artifacts in play, welder and I have to figure out what I actually want

Ashachor posted to Ashacube -

I finally got a chance to run the cube. Here's what I learned.


We had 6 people drafting. We did a rotisserie draft, so I still haven't learned if the 8 person draft is going to have any issues.

The drafted decks were mono red walkers, mono green, mono blue, RW artifacts, Grixis? cheaty face, and 4 color control. I was on the mono blue tempo deck.

Mono green went 3-0. Artifacts and Walkers were 2nd and 3rd.

Deck Opinions

It felt like creature decks had a hard time dealing with non-creature decks. The planeswalker decks were really good at stabilizing and turning the corner. The mono green deck didn't have this issue because it's creatures were "bombier".

In the matches I played against the artifact deck it felt like I (blue tempo) didn't have the tools necessary to interact with my opponent. Equilibrium felt super slow and my opponent built a board with lightning speed. The ward on Patchwork Automaton meant tempo was far to inefficient and I wasn't able to close out the game by the time he got to Bronze Guardian. However, Looping Thieving Skydiver with Ninjas felt amazing, but not too strong (given what my opponent was doing). Thada Adel never came up, I think the lack of Spreading Seas made the card feel pretty bad.

The Cheaty Face player felt like there wasn't really enough support (there really isn't), so their deck didn't do the thing all that much and when it did it wasn't enough to carry the game. When he played against 4c control getting a t3 Locust God (Scrapwork Mutt into Exhume) wasn't enough to secure the win.

I'm surprised that 4c control was even a deck. It didn't do well, but the pilot didn't have any feedback about it. The deck played as he expected and he had fun.

Card Opinions

Polukranos Reborn is too strong for the environment. None of the decks can easily deal with a large creature on t3, and reach means that blue can't easily deal with it.

Wildfire was meant to be a red walker only card, and it is, but to some drafters it telegraphs a different style of deck which isn't possible in this environment.

All Will Be One doesn't actually contribute to any deck. The red walker deck already has enough ways to close a game that this isn't necessary.

Curiosity was just bad. It doesn't play well with the ninjas and the blue deck never really wanted to get 2-for-1'd by playing it out. The other decks were able to deal with single creatures pretty easily.

The artifact player mentioned that Osgir never really did anything. That player also didn't think Oswald was worth picking during the draft. I think I should add more support for a Welder style deck with red as a basis that cares more about artifact graveyard shenanigans.

Luxior was actively terrible. It negatively impacts the planeswalker deck by removing a planeswalker from the board, which was impactful enough that it was removed from the deck. I think this card is a trap for the walker deck. Some decks may still want it, but I don't think it's worth it for how much pain it will ultimately cause.


I want to adjust the green deck a bit away from how bomb-y it is to something more synergy focused. The legends are a good start, but you aren't really punished for straying from that all the cards are really good on their own. I think I could add a tokens matter theme pretty easily with cards like Halsin, Emerald Archdruid and Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter and cut some of the more powerful on their own cards like Polukranos.

Walkers and White artifacts are in a pretty good spot. I don't think those decks need much adjustments. Though, I do want to include some more tools for creature decks to deal with walkers.

I want full support for a polymorph and/or welder deck. A few more ways to create tokens cheaply and some bigger top end cards to cheat in. Blue should have some support cards for the polymorph deck. White is already positioned well for welder support, but red isn't.

Blue should go harder on ninjas and control effects. Blue is fine at dealing with non-ward creatures, but really bad at non-creature permanents. The best the deck felt was when I was doing ninja value stuff and so much worse when just playing straight tempo.

Maybeboard Changelist+1, -0
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