Art by Ian MillerArt by Ian Miller

I'm Ian Miller (not that Ian Miller) and my friends all started playing Magic in 1995... while I collected Decipher's Star Wars CCG instead. Oops!

Anyways, I finally got into MtG in 2015 and have been riding the pendulum between addiction and fatigue ever since. My favorite games are around the kitchen table with buddies.

In Modern I play Esper Reanimator, (sans Elemental Incarnations), in Pauper I've got Faeries, Slivers, Mono-Black Devotion and Boros Artifacts, and I've built way too many EDH decks (with Commanders Elminster, Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow, Belbe, Corrupted Observer, and Ruric Thar, the Unbowed to name a few).

I love drafting & deckbuilding, so I've made two different cubes: a 420-card Pauper Cube, and a 360-card Old School Cube (to make up for lost time in my SWCCG phase).