Testing out these replacements for the least-loved Devotion cards.
It's probably the late hour talking here, but would including the three Theros gods really be that nuts? Just added a piece of exiling removal to black, there's already a Tear Asunder that cleanly answers them even without the devotion animating them, they're exciting cards that each reward the bad archetype of their colour pair... Do they totally invalidate the existing late game win cons? I could even find room for something like Reality Shift or Imprisoned in the Moon in blue as an extra answer too. Phenax will be the easiest to animate I expect. Will have to add payoffs for Kruphix I suspect.
Proposed changes:
Dimir Charm -> Phenax, God of Deception
Shambling Shell -> Pharika, God of Affliction
Shambleshark -> Kruphix, God of Horizons
The giant just wasn't cutting it sadly.