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This covers cards from the following sets:

Bloomburrow, Duskmourn, Foundations, Innistrad Remastered, Aetherdrift

Clockwork PercussionistFrenzied Goblin1MV 1/1's are getting better and this having the Artifact super type helps enable many strategies.
Galvanic BlastFire ProphecyIn this update there is a large uptick in incidental artifacts in the cube that it doesn't take a seer to see that turning metalcraft on is very easy. Since Volcanic Spite already exists in the cube, Fire Prophecy was the easy choice to cut.
Kuldotha RebirthGlimpse the ImpossibleThis card is a pauper staple and is only being added in due to the critical mass of artifacts in the cube. This replaces Glimpse the Unthinkable as most often times you'll be making tokens with this card rather than casting those spells the turn it is played.
Unholy HeatBorderland MarauderThis joins a cast of cards that were on the cusp of being added in due to the difficulty of enabling it's pay off was too difficult for its effect. The power of the cube has pushed an aggressive 3/2 out.
Gnawing CrescendoDynachargeMost often you're overloading to get a trumpet effect. This has a built in contingency plan where any surprises during the turn you're attempting to finish doesn't jsut leave you with an empty.
Heaped HarvestCloakwood SwarmkeeperA lot of value can be reaped from this card alone. It is easily splashable and enables many archetypes. This replaces Swarmkeeper as there's been a culling in token generation.
Monstrous EmergenceStruggle for SkemfarThis allows you to navigate around the biggest weakness of fight-based removal spells. No longer will you struggle to be open to two-for-one when your opponent removes your creature in response.
Avenging HunterStampeding Elk HerdInitiative is just too powerful.

This covers cards from the following sets:

The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, Ravnica Remastered, Murders at Karlov Manor, Outlaws of Thunder Junction, & Modern Horizons 3.

Aerie AuxiliaryRelief CaptainA case can be made for either card. Relief Captain is being benched as the extra +1/+1 counter doesn't occur too often and being edged out in favour of evasion.
Accursed MarauderDemon's DiscipleThis card definitely schools its predecessors. Forces your opponent to sacrifice real bodies and comes down a turn earlier and allowing you to cast multiple spells in one turn.
Tithing Blade-This card does it all. Removal, adds to affinity, sacrifice fodder, and a good finisher mana sink.
Refurbished FamiliarLiliana's SpecterWith the amount of incidental artifacts and the flexibility to always gain card advantage, this card can finally put Liliana's Specter to rest.
Scurrilous SentryVicious BattleragerFor a card called Battlerager, it doesn't attack as aggressively as Scurrilous Sentry. The effects on both cards are very similar in terms of card advantage.
Wither and Bloom--
Unscrupulous Agent--
Vault PlundererPhyrexian RagerThis card would definitely succeed in adopting Rager's name as you can now finish off your opponent with this effect.
Consuming AshesFeed the SerpentThis will eat up Feed the Serpents spot since there are currently no common Planeswalkers and can filter your next two draws
Eviscerator's InsightVillage RitesLet's just reminisce on how good Deadly Dispute is
-Phyrexian VivisectorIn most scenarios, Nefarious Imp does the same thing but with any permanent and can sneak in some cheeky damage
Skoa, EmbermageFang DragonSkoa just has a bigger bite to it for a card in the top of end of the mana curve.
Glimpse the Impossible-0
Molten GatekeeperWitty RoastmasterThis stands up against its competitors, being able to come back for the finish.
Horrific AssaultBand TogetherLoses instant speed but the mana-efficiency is just what stompy wants.
Nyxborn HydraIvy ElementalThis has power crept Ivy Elemental
Basking BroodscaleMother BearThis bear is just right! It has infinite combo potential and is just a good value engine with the right synergies
Evolution Witness-We finally have our Eternal Witness at home!
Malevolent RumbleWasteful HarvestThe discounted cost and being able to bank the mana on a spawn. Often this card is cast on your turn as it is a waste to leave 3 mana in a colour that cares about playing on curve.
Cranial RamFireblade ArtistAt this point, I'm cramming affinity and voltron strategies. This a slower but still powerful effect similar to Cranial Plating
Writhing ChrysalisKird ApeA 2/3 just doesn't cut it anymore and this card is just silly. Players will struggle when they get ambushed by the surprise Reach.
Broodrage Mycoid-0
Expanding OozeDreg ManglerExpands on the counter theme. Worst case scenario it is able to support itself
Faithful WatchdogCall of the ConclaveYou can count on this card to be good on both offence and defence. It also plays well with all the counter strategies.
-Cave of TemptationDespite it's name, this card could not persuade people to draft this card
Honourable Mentions

Landscape Cycle - Let's you get colourless mana and wait until you need the colour fixing. Works really well with Brainstorm
Drownyard Lurker
Fanged Flames - Gets around protection spells and has the ability to exile problematic creatures.
Gravedig - A nice call to Gravedigger. Very flexible turning gravedigger into a vanilla 2/2 or fetching the card back.
Inspired Inventor - Also gives you energy.
Nightshade Dryad
Nyxborn Unicorn
Serum Visionary
Sneaky Snacker
Snapping Voidcraw
Warped Tusker
Makeshift Binding
Nezumi Linkbreaker
Nurturing Bristleback
Patient Naturalist
River Herald Scout
Seismic Monstrosaur
Snarling Gorehound
Etali's Favor
Family Reunion
Quick Draw
Raven of Fallen Omens
Goblin Tomb Raider


The land cyclers Eagles of the North, Lórien Revealed, Troll of Khazad-dûm, Oliphaunt, & Generous Ent:
Land cycling for 1 is extremely good rate, and these can fetch any non-basic land with the 5 land types. The effects on the front-side of the cards are very strong as well make the entire cycle an auto-include.

Rally at the Hornburg replaces Forbidden Friendship:
Now comes with 2 hastey boys!

Sulfurous Blast replaces Fiery Cannonade:
Now that's a blast from the past. The increase in cost is justified as 3 damage can just about kill anything on the board, including your opponents.

Drown in Sorrow replaces Arms of Hadar:
Losing the asymmetry is negligible. These type of cards are usually for control orientated decks. Your opponents will cry as this drops a turn earlier.

Murmuring Mystic replaces Moonblade Shinobi:
Murmuring Mystic eclipses Moonblade Shinobi as a repetitive token generator. While it requires you to be in a spell heavy deck it also does not need you to connect. Often times you'll find that it is difficult to return Moonblade to hand and perform multiple ninjutsu tricks a turn.

Phyrexian Gargantua replaces Girder Goons:
Same thing both give you card advantage

Lotleth Giant replaces Hezrou:
Does a better job at finishing the opponent off. Hezrou tries to assist aggro decks in getting hte last points of damage, but burn is just much better.

Demon's Disciple replaces Fleshbag Marauder:
(there's no common pw yet...)

Shipwreck Dowser replaces Mnemonic Wall:
Steer the deck to be more aggressive.

Honorable Mentions

Cast into the Fire - If artifact recursion becomes too pervasive, then we can substitute Abrade with this.

Generous Gift - This gives a little too generous of a gift for this format. Often times an upgrade.

Crawling Infestation - It's interesting to say the least, but the restriction to produce insects bugs me enough to not include this.

Vizier of Tumbling Sands - If only there were combos that we could capitalize the fiddling effect with.

All that Glitters - While a really powerful effect and making waves in pauper constructed, it's really not all that impressive in limited. Ethereal Armor would be reintroduced before this gets added.

Guttersnipe - This would be a fantastic pay-off for spells decks, I just don't see there being room at the moment for this.

Rapacious One - A fantastic effect, however our 6 drop slot for red is full of creatures that can deal with the board or provide better utility. I can see this pairing very well with Impact Tremors.

The march of the machines has descended upon us, and with it comes a compleat set of upgrades for the cube.


Volcanic Spite replaces Fire Prophecy:
This is a side-upgrade for the future. We can only pray that battles and planeswalkers will be printed at common.

Alabaster Host Intercessor replaces Sunblade Samurai:
The dawn sets on Sunblade Samurai as Alabaster Host Intercessor functions as plains tutor with a better effect.

Beamtown Beatstick replaces Sticky Fingers:
Being able to re-equip this effect, while being able to slip through your opponents early blocks is a fair trade off for losing the replacement effect.

Final Flourish replaces Vicious Offering:
This is could possibly be the final form of Vicious Offering.

Kor Halberd replaces Sentinel's Eyes:
It is much easier to re-equip this than it is to re-cast Sentinel's Eyes. It is a niche situation but you do lose multiple prowess triggers. I still believe the ability to move equipment around justifies the trade.

Saiba Cryptomancer replaces Step Through:
This one was a bit of a puzzling change. The protection stapled on a body opens up opportunities for self-bounce and recursive abuse. In exchange, we lose out on the value engine of finding Archaeomancer with Step Through.


Wary Thespian:
Fantastic add in for self-mill decks. It has an aggressive body and allows for great trade ups.

Bladed Battle-Fan:
I'm a fan of these new tricky equipment spells. This gives extra utility for the more aggressive black decks.


Preening Champion has a much better body however as a token generator
Aviation Pioneer is a head of the game.
Pyretic Prankster the flip side is fantastic and a high power level for pauper, however the RB slots are already full of much higher power level cards.
Fairgrounds Trumpeter:
Flywheel Racer
Hangar Scrounger
Redcap Heelslasher
Sunder the Gateway
Unseal the Necropolis
Wrenn's Resolve
Dreg Recycler
Wildwood Escort
Marauding Dreadship - I dont know if this is good or not


Various counters have been streaming into the cube over the past few years, that Thrummingbird can find its nest here in the main list.

Blazing Crescendo replaces Fists of Flame:
This matchup is dependent on where these cards go. Blazing Crescendo works harmoniously in aggressive and mid-range strategies, as it doesn't require the build up that Fists of Flame does to punch over the top of blockers and close out the game. Fists of Flame works best in spell-fist strategies that can ball up a grip of extra mana and card draw. If we're looking at the draw effect on the card, then impulse effects are effectively card draw in decks that do care about the front part of the effect.

Bladegraft Aspirant & Barbed Batterfist:
Bladegraft Aspirant is equipped with an arsenal of abilities that would put this card at the same power level of as an uncommon. This card inserts itself in the same decks as the reconfigurable equipment creatures from Kamigawa:Neon Dynasty. Batterfist packs a punch for just two mana!

Contagious Vorrac replaces Spore Crawler:
It's so hard not to pig out on all the card draw. Contagious Vorrac will draw you a land (still a card) and has the added flexibility of proliferating. In a dedicated counters deck this effect can be worth more than a card.

Planar Disruption replaces Faith's Fetters:
This card does a better job at disrupting your opponent's plans as it comes down couple of turns quicker. We will see if trading off life gain for speed and cost efficiency is worth it. It is worth noting that Battles a new type of card could be hit by Faith's Fetters in future updates.

Vanish into Eternity:
Fits same role as Angelic purge. More expensive as creature removal, however not having to sac and hitting more permanent types may be relevant in the future (with battles on the horizon).

Experimental Augury replaces Curate:
Curate is tailored to an environment that cares about fueling your graveyard whereas Experimental Augury is more at home in this update. The one upside is that Experimental Augury looks at an extra card more for selection. With the number of playable spells in the cube, it is no hard task to fill up the graveyard.

Indoctrination Attendant:
Not quite the Icewind Stalwart, this creature does assist the flicker or buy-back decks replay cards for value.

Blightbelly Rat:
I hope you haven't had your fill of toxic decks. Blightbelly Rat serves as both an enabler for poisoning your opponent out and a proliferater for all the counter matter shenanigans.

The Gates replace the Snow Dual lands
(Basilisk Gate, Heap Gate, & .... Azorius Gate replaces Snowfield Sinkhole, & .... Glacial Floodplain):
This land cycle was initially in the honourable mention section during the Commander Legends: Baldur's Gate update. It turns out having a repeatable pump effect on your lands is a really good way to make use of your flooding. As the recent CawGate deck performances have shown, just having two more gates and a Basilik Gate can turn any of your dorky 1/1 recurring creatures into serious threats. While not in the same decks, the treasures generated by Heap Gate offer a wealth of synergies with the sacrifice decks. The snow duals are being put on ice until more incidental domain or land type synergies emerge.

Honourable Mentions

The Sphere land cycle
(The Fair Basilica, The Surgical Bay, The Dross Pits, The Autonomous Furnace, & The Hunter Maze):
Being able to cycle these later in the game is amazing. There's just not enough to get the ball rolling on adding these into the cube.

The Depletion land cycle
(Remote Farm, Saprazzan Skerry, Peat Bog, Sandstone Needle, & Hickory Woodlot):
These would be a snap inclusion in this update if it weren't for the fact that these lands would deplete my funds. Optional inclusions for any cubers wanting to build this update.

Annihilating Glare:
If you look closely enough this is much like the other Bone Splinter variants in the cube, with the added benefit of being able to sacrifice artifacts too.

Prologue to Phyresis:
This is such a unique effect. Unfortunately there isn't much in the way of applying accidental poison to your opponent. With enough poison counters this could be the beginning of a new archetype.


Emergency Weld to replace Pit Keeper:
This is effectively a 2 mana Grave Digger, and if you're ever in a pinch, a way to stick a roadblock from a lethal attack. It not being a creature makes it an interesting twist. It combo's effectively well with Archaeomancer for looping shenanigans. Pit Keeper did well holding the fort but being able to return a creature OR an artifact without restriction is just too good to pass up.

Wasteful Harvest to replace Chatterstorm:
Without the right support, Chatterstorm can never reach its full potential, effectively being a waste of space. On the other hand, Wasteful Harvest can fetch more than creatures and lands, sowing the seeds for delirium or similar strategies to blossom in the future.

Fallaji Archaeologist to replace Augur of Bolas:
This card digs for the same amount of cards as Augur of Bolas, hits more than just instants and sorceries. Only time will tell if this is enough to support newer strategies.

Bitter Reunion and Scrapwork Mutt to replace Thrill of Possibility:
Drawing cards in red is no longer just a possibility but an actuality with the introduction of these cards. Izzet spell based decks have better draw engines in blue so there is no real loss here. The transformation of card types to permanents gives Boros bully more tools to play with and potentially open the door for cards like Unholy Heat to make an appearance.

Rust Goliath to replace Murasa Behemoth:
What's bigger a Goliath or a Behemoth? Well a 10/10 is certainly bigger than an 8/8 and while one does come down a few turns earlier, the purpose is to be the biggest thing on the board. Something neat for green is that prototype creatures also synergies with flicker effects, allowing the flicker strategy to expand into green as the secondary support colour.

Gaea's Gift:
This is a combat trick that keeps on giving. With two mana up your opponents will be in for a surprise.

Gixian Infiltrator and Goblin Blast-Runner to replace Stirge:
These two cards are perfect in the Rakdos sacrifice/aggro archetype. Gixian Infiltrator and Goblin Blast-Runner can sneak in extra damage with all the amount of incidental sacrifice effects in the cube and not having to be specifically creatures. Stirge will no longer eat up a 1 MV creature slot in black, which is already full of more powerful cards.

Creeping Bloodsucker and Ossuary Rats to replace Blight-Breath Catoblepas:
Looking at where you would want this effect, usually from behind Ossuary Rats is better and Blight-Breath Catoblepas is a stinker. Creeping Bloodsucker if left unchecked can close games and make it really difficult to kill you.

Nomad Decoy:
A good card that would slot in very well in turbo mill decks in white. Threshold is very easy to achieve without the need to introduce self-mill effects.

Honourable Mentions

New reanimation spells in white and self-mill effects seem very interesting and could be a new area to explore in the future.

Boulderbranch Golem:
This hits less like a branch and much more like a boulder. It is a fantastic card for midrange decks as it allows you to catch back up on life which could make or break aggro matchups.

Very strong removal however the discount would have to wait quite a while on and isn't very effective when you're being overwhelmed by aggro decks. Prison sentence is a huge upgrade to Arrest, but if you were to judge it against the other removal spells white already has access to the verdict is quite clear on why it didn't make the cut.

Post Pre-Release Notes

Brother's War limited is a little bit of a bomby format but also rewards good synergies. The pace of the format wasn't as slow as first thought, but it definitely wasn't as fast that you couldn't power(stone) into your larger more powerful artifact creatures.

There were a lot of mana sinks and artifacts in the set that made powerstones really shine. If the cube ever goes into a direction of being an artifact heavy themed cube then a lot of the powerstone generators would be instant includes.

A lot of the cards on my wishlist weren't as powerful in BRO limited however considering the power-level of cards that these commons had to compete against, its not hard to imagine why.


Before the set drops and we get familiarised with the cards in a limited setting, below are a list of cards I speculate to be good.

Wishlist - Adds:




Meteorite to replace Raiders' Karve:
This downshift rocks! A mana rock that can make an impact on the board is welcome in any midrange ramp strategies. As this fills in the same ramp niche any reason to keep Raiders' Karve in has sunk with it.

Benalish Sleeper to replace Pillory of the Sleepless:
The irony is not lost on me that a sleeper would be replacing the sleepless. Both these cards fill in the same role of putting an opposing creature to bed, however one has the flexability of putting the opponent to rest.

Phyrexian Vivisector to replace Join the Maestros:
On closer inspection Join the Maestros required a much larger body than what was achievable in the cube as such it did not make the cut.

Shore Up to replace Rousing Read:
I wanted to ensure blue had some interesting combat tricks. The card draw was interesting but often you were after something more on the defensive side of the court.

Urborg Repossession to replace Desecrator Hag:
Regrowth has finally made its way into pauper! This possesses all the things that Golgari desperately needed allowing it to be more than just creature recursion. Desecrator Hag is a fantastic card but its now time to place it in the annuls of history.


Samite Herbalist:
A little unimpressive at first but there are many ways to trigger this. This may help revitalise the use of vehicles in aggressive decks.

Tolarian Terror:
A true terror indeed. This thing possesses the body to contest Gurmag Angler and all it needs is a few spells deposited into the graveyard. This card will haunt players for years to come.

Honorable Mentions

Writhing Necromass:
Not quite the same as Gurmag Angler or Tolarian Terror. Often times you won't get a big enough discount and that's with a dedicated self-mill strategy.

Tolarian Geyser:
A very powerful card and fairly costed. If it were a mana cheaper this card would be a snap inclusion.

The "dual" lands & Meria's Outrider:
If domain ever pans out these will be the first cycle to be included in with a very nice pay off.

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