This is my first and as of right now only cube. It's a powered cube restricted to only old frame cards. That encompasses cards from Alpha through Scourge, as well as any Timeshifted reprints like Judge Promos, TSR cards, and MH2 reprints.
It's still very much a work in progress. It's sitting at 375 cards right now and I plan to eventually trim it back down to 360 cards. I started out with the premise of playing the most powerful cards I could find within the old frame restriction, so for the most part, the draftable archetypes are only loosely defined. The archetypes I consciously wanted to support are as follows:
White Weenie
Ux Control
Black Discard
Mono-Black Midrange
Mono-Red Aggro/Burn
GW Enchantress
Green Ramp
Various types of creature cheat decks
In addition to those there's a few options for combo:
Channel + Fireball
Vault + Key
Squirrel Nest + Earthcraft
Crucible + Strip Mine