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(360 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Jim MurrayArt by Jim Murray
360 Card Vintage Cube4 followers
Designed by glennjamin
Mana Pool$7589.56

Twube or not Twube. That is the question.

Welcome to my Twube. A cube variant with two simple rules: 1) all cards are two mana or less, 2) at my discretion I break this rule.

Specifically, two cards have greater than mana value two: Lurrus of the Dream Den (hehe) and Greater Gargadon.

You will find that many cards play significantly differently with this cube list constraint. Ratchet Bomb is more powerful, Mana Drain is less powerful. This cube is carefully twuned to feature vintage-cube-level power in miniature form.

Its two or less!!!!!!

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