"Break it till you make it"
"Cutthroat synergy"
"Kill before you get killed"
"Enter the Infinite Paths of Synergy"
Let go of what you think is the reality of Peasant plays and begin to dream bigger. Mix and match dozens of packages of synergy to go from pile of cards to a well oiled engine of a deck: be it a hand full of elves and other dorks channeling out massive amounts of mana, dozens of little Affinity cogs scuttling around, hundreds of creatures storming from the stack, thousands of pests being swallowed to feed the machine - or several of those at once! Just be aware: if the engine stutters, prepare to get steamrolled. So plan ahead carefully!
When you enter this jungle of paths, don't look for lanes and signposts in a given color combination - each has 2-4 themes and themes spread across 3-4 colors, just go with the flow of what powers up your dream of infinite possibilities!
Each player starts with a Cogwork Librarian in the draft pool.
Packs per player:
4x13 = 416 (~90% drafted)
Enter the battlefield matters
Untapping stuff
Mana Generation and Sinks
Death matters
Power bursts
Go wide
Creature/Value Storm
Other Death Loops
Even More Other Death Loops
Other Equipment Shenanigans
Threaten the kill by turn 6 or be killed by that time - even trough interaction. You can't expect to live longer
2. Think of Axes of Synergy and packages of enablers/payoffs and thus drafting a deck - not about (colored) archetypes!This is not a 2-color format. No hard 2-color archetypes, but rather generally playable multi purpose cards, that also fit into strong synergies. Many micro "combo" archetypes opening up when adding 1-2 extra cards from a third color. 2.5 color decks are often a must for combos to be sufficiently supported!
Decks NOT SUPPORTED although it might seem so:
There is premium cheap, powerful removal, but it is not enough to interrupt the long game of your opponent. It is there so there is something to worry about and not go all in, but if you can't finish the game in a timely manner the opponent will have a second shot.
4. Value & Attrition is a TrapDon't expect to outlast
The main design focus lies on "combo" archetypes, while using generally enough cards, that they are not parasitic. Most still fall within the usual limited cards, such that non-"combo" decks are equally valid and pivoting is easier
Three types of loops Axis of Synergy "Abuse ETB tiggers":
Get most out of ETBs by resetting, flicking, return dead
Axis of Synergy "Untap for endless mana":
try to untap enough lands/artifacts/creatures to generate infinite mana ; combines with all but black
Axes of Synergy "Aristocrats"/All things that die, feed the loop-goyf
Axis of Synergy "Combat Spell Combo, Go Wide, Storm":
Mostly burst Archetypes: Creature Growth, Creature Storm, Artifacts, Go wide
Axis of Synergy "Mana & Power":
Work in Progress: produce as many bodies as possible; combines with all but blue, lesser extent green