This is a mid/high power level cube, designed for interactive and balanced play through classic archetypes and strategies. There is a secondary focus on some of the essential combos in magic and cube, but we strive to not make any of these over the top and too fast or unfun to play against.
This cube has been cultivated to be a collection of some of the most recognizable cards and decks in the format, but we are currently working on shaping it more towards more clear and focused archetypes, rather than generically good cards.
Here's a list over cards you should pick and try to play / build around if you see them.
The aristocrats archetype attacks opponents on a different axis by gaining value from its own creatures dying. By combining sacrifice outlets, sacrifice fodder, and sacrifice payoffs this deck can grind the opponent out or kill them outright.
The control archetype is all about disrupting the opponents plan and winning with inevitability.
Use counterspells and removal to stop the opponents gameplan, then win the game with card advantage and a few powerful threats.
The flicker archetype is all about gaining value by repeating ETB triggers with flicker effects. This can be incidental value from one time flicker effects or an entire engine that flickers creatures every turn.
This archetype is all about cheating in both smaller and huge threats, either from your graveyard or your hand. These decks and cards can also be used to flavor some of the other archtypes in this cube as alternate game plans.
Rock decks combine green’s ramp and premier threats and black’s removal and graveyard recursion. Take over games with an early Grist or Liliana of the Veil and grind the opponent out by recurring threats and using efficient removal. White green rock happens less often than black, but is no less viable when it does come together.
The spells matter archetype plays lots of instants and sorceries as well as cards that care about casting them. The key component to drafting this archetype is to prioritize good spells over good payoffs. Lightning Bolt and Counterspell are always desirable, too many spells payoffs with not enough spells will not provide the same benefit.
The stompy archetype is about using manadorks to cast midrange threats ahead of curve to take over the game. They differ from a traditional ramp deck in that they are more about playing three, four, and five drops faster than normal rather than the larger creatures ramp decks want to cast.
The ramp archetype uses mana acceleration to play large threats ahead of curve. Mana dorks as well as muti-mana ramp spells are key to getting ahead enough of the typical mana curve to have high impact.
Combining as many fetches, cycling triomes and other utility lands with multiple land-drops, ways to get your lands back from the yard and cards that reward you for this are the core strategy of the Lands deck.
Red and Rx aggro decks are the fastest in the format due to their hasty threats and burn spells which can kill the opponent if they stabilize on board. Overwhelm the opponent with one drops and use curve toppers to provide reach against stabilized boards. Prioritize the burn spells in draft, every red deck wants them.
The classic Jund deck is all about combining interaction and efficient threats to disrupt whatever the opponent is doing and grind them out. Draft top tier 3 mana threats along with mana dorks in green to bring this deck together.
The tokens archetype is the quintessential go-wide strategy in this cube. Overwhelm the opponent with too many attackers to block, or pump the entire board to go for the kill.
White and Wx aggro decks lack the burn of their Red counterpart but make up for it with access to stronger removal and more disruption. This clears the way for highly efficient creatures and planeswalkers to kill the opponent quickly. Prioritize white removal in the draft, the other white decks want it too.
The artifacts package makes use of cards that care about artifacts as well as good artifacts. There are both agressive and grindy artifact-decks in this cube. Alot of these cards are also very good at supporting other strategies, such as, aristocrats, tokens, cheat etc.