Toasty's JumpCube

Cube ID
Art by Ravenna TranArt by Ravenna Tran

4510 Card Vintage Cube

Designed by ToastyRSSQR Code

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This is my Jumpstart-inspired Cube.
For those unfamiliar with Jumpstart, it's a Magic product with packs containing a random, fixed 20-card deck. To play Jumpstart, each player takes 2 Jumpstart packs, opens them, and shuffles them together to create a deck.In that vein, this is my attempt to create an alternate, slightly higher-powered version of Jumpstart.

Draft/Deckbuilding Formats

  • The Casual method - Randomly draw 2 packs for your deck.
  • The Official(?) Paper method - Randomly draw 4 packs, pick 2 to be your deck for the game/match/session.
  • The Arena method - Randomly draw 3 packs, pick 1. Randomly draw 3 more packs, pick 1. These 2 packs become your deck for the match/session.

Design Points

  • 1 Mythic Rare per pack for most packs. A mythic rare should be emblematic of the deck's theme.
  • A large portion of packs should be monocolor.
  • 2-color packs are a monocolor pack splashing a 2nd for the only available signposts. Dual lands are the common MH2 Artifact and KHM Snow duals.
  • Color balance in themes is less important than a breadth of themes.
  • A single pack shouldn't be able to do everything. There shouldn't be all of enablers, payoffs, card advantage, removal, and ramp in a single pack.
  • This cube will in no way interact with the retail JumpStart set.
  • Every card within a pack should be 100% usable without using a "choose a color" or "any color" source. A green pack may use G/B dual lands for access to an activated ability (Thelon) or alternate cost (Spider Spawning).

Update Note 2/17/22
Any tag prefixed with a (D) is considered deprecated. Rather than delete anything from here on, I'd like to just mark things as abandoned.

Toasty posted to Toasty's JumpCube -

With Innistrad: Midnight Hunt spoilers upon us, I've decided to take a break from maintaining this list. I've been thinking a lot lately about whether I want a big curated project I feel obligated to keep up on, or a handful of smaller one-and-done projects like Set and Planar-themed cubes.

I've also been worrying a bit about if I'm doing this to actually have a good play experience, or if it's just me forcing people to play a bunch of (half-)decks I want to use without worrying about being stomped for being so obviously weak. I'd like to take a break from thinking about this for a while and come back later after figuring out if this is something I'd like to continue.

The list will stay up as long as my account on CubeCobra does.