The Silver Chest
(720 Card Cube)
The Silver Chest
Art by Jesper EjsingArt by Jesper Ejsing
720 Card Powered Peasant Vintage Cube2 followers
Designed by ArchonArt

Welcome to THE SILVER CHEST cube

"Challenge your mind, Draft the details"

  • Common/Uncommon cube
  • Designed for very competitively spirited drafts
  • Simulates 2 and 3 colour limited formats

It is a 720 (2 x 8 pod drafts) card cube that I limited to including only Commons and Uncommons for design, flavour and balancing reasons.

I've devoted years into designing, tweaking and blinging this cube; It has held many drafts for playtesting and I consider it to be in a very good state for competitively spirited drafts, as that is its primary purpose. I also put high value into how a card feels to play and the quality of the artwork although those are secondary when making my choices.

  • Why Uncommons only?
  • Couple of reasons for this. Let me first make it clear that it is not out of budgetary reasons.
  1. As a Designer I believe it's way more interesting to design with a Limitation.
  2. I love the feel of limited gameplay where you're trying to get a little bit of value every step of the way and make small improvements of your play as opposed to something like BoardWipe -> Gideon;
  3. Including rares is a slippery slope of power level (I want to keep upgrading the PowerLevel but then the ceiling is non existent); Keeping to Uncommons makes sure that I have a power level ceiling.
  4. A lot of fucking amazing designs at Uncommon that are one of my favourites of all time would be left out for cards that most people have seen and played with.
  5. Commons + Uncommons offer a more classic gameplay style as opposed to the wacky stuff Rares and Mythics bring to the table.
Mainboard Changelist+1, -1


I haven't updated or played the cube in a very very long time, but a friend of mine gave me the Berserk and he wanted it back so I had to remove it and decided to make an post for it so everything is kept up to date regardless;

so yup, added Scurry Oak, great midrange card, nice anti control sort of swarm card as well, beautiful art, just a great addition here to stay overall;

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