Welcome to THE SILVER CHEST cube
"Challenge your mind, Draft the details"
It is a 720 (2 x 8 pod drafts) card cube that I limited to including only Commons and Uncommons for design, flavour and balancing reasons.
I've devoted years into designing, tweaking and blinging this cube; It has held many drafts for playtesting and I consider it to be in a very good state for competitively spirited drafts, as that is its primary purpose. I also put high value into how a card feels to play and the quality of the artwork although those are secondary when making my choices.
I haven't updated or played the cube in a very very long time, but a friend of mine gave me the Berserk and he wanted it back so I had to remove it and decided to make an post for it so everything is kept up to date regardless;
so yup, added Scurry Oak, great midrange card, nice anti control sort of swarm card as well, beautiful art, just a great addition here to stay overall;