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Changelings! (Theatrical Cut)
(360 Card Cube)
Changelings! (Theatrical Cut)
Cube ID
Art by Kieran YannerArt by Kieran Yanner
360 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by Silas
Mana Pool$834.01

Changelings! has a specific additional rule: All creatures have all creature types in all zones. (Inspired by the Changeling Cube by @donaldkmagic.) Expect crazy plays and a high power level without being combo oriented.

Theatrical Cut?

One thing I'm doing with this project is having a base 360 list (this one) and a few different modules that can be mixed in the with the base to change up the experience. This story is to be continued!

Completed Add-Ons:
Community Cut - A spotlight for contributions from the Custom Magic community.

Future Add-Ons:
Director's Cut - My favorite stuff that didn't make it into the Theatrical Cut.
Professional Cut - The ridiculously powerful stuff that was just way too much for the Theatrical Cut.
Executive Cut - Multiplayer list that lets you draft commanders!
Outtake Cut - Un-cards and other general silliness!

Just a couple of swaps I'd had on my mind.

Deeproot Pilgrimage signals the tap/untap theme well and at a decent rate with a good keyword. It takes minimal enablement to start going building out a board of tokens if you're able to control the opponent.
Robe of the Archmagi always reads really cool, but when comparing it to Eagle Vision, which offers a similar payoff for a similar hoop, its weaknesses become very clear.

Breeches was a card I had considered during early drafts of the cube but had cut it as potentially too strong, which shows just how desperate I was to cut cards from the pool at the time lol.
Hellspur Brute has been on the chopping block for a while. It's lasted this long for a reason, it's more or less the best version of this style of card, I think. But that type of card doesn't seem to stack up well in this environment.

Those who have followed this cube may notice that the Alania/Sarkhan swap is a direct reversal of the last time I updated this slot. Nobody wants to give their opponent cards on this kind of scale. It's much better as a political tool for commander games, so Alania may come back for the commander module.
Sarkhan remains an odd duck. He doesn't work with ETBs, which are a big part of blue's creature suite, but there are a good amount of red cards that work with him. And there are some specific cards that he can act as a pretty powerful force multiplier for, the tricky part being that those cards are already strong and worth playing without Sarkhan.
I had considered the newly printed Fearless Swashbuckler for this slot, but I think I would want at least two or three more vehicles for that. (The vehicles have haste ability actually does the card a disservice, as it feels like tribal text, which is a red flag for inclusion here.)

Fell Flagship didn't feel like it was asking too much before, and that might still be the case, but Dollhouse of Horrors is just such a nothingburger of a card, Doing way too little for its cost. (This swap was motivated by the previously mentioned Swashbuckler, so it may contribute to that card coming in at some point.)

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