Synergy Lite Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Synergy Lite Cube
Art by Fiona StaplesArt by Fiona Staples
360 Card Unpowered Legacy+ Cube12 followers
Designed by tentakelmonster
Mana Pool$1825.86

This cube attempts to recreate Caleb Gannons Powered Synergy Cube in an unpowered environment that is drafted with four to five players most often.

Presented here are a few featured archetypes, in no particular order, including a brief explanation and key cards. This list is by no means exhaustive.

wc Artifact based aggro cw
A low to the ground aggro deck using lots of small artifact creatures and synergies between them. Due to a lot of it's cards being colorless, there is room for splashing another color to access other effects and even more artifact synergies.
Usual includes are:

ux Blue based control xu
A type of deck using blue's powerful card advantage and filtering spells to create the right mix of counter spells, removal and sweepers to control the board and eventually win with a small number of creatures or a big finisher.
Since blue itself lacks some of the necessary control elements like removal and sweepers, this deck gets these from White, Black or Red.
Key blue cards:

Cards that are needed from other colors:

bx Aristocrats xb
The classic 'sacrifice your creatures for various benefits' deck. This deck plays recursive creatures or mass token producers and then attacks with them or sacrifices them for value.
Other colors help with creating tokens or giving sacrifice payoffs.
Recursive creatures:

Sacrifice Outlets:

Sacrifice Value:

rx Red aggressive decks xr
Unlike most cubes, there is less of a straightforward mono red aggro/burn deck. Instead you have to work through synergies to create a robust killing machine.
Ways to achieve this include:
Artifact based aggro with White:

Spellslinger with Blue:

Madness with Black:

Stompy with Green:

g Green Ramp g
This deck's goal is to accelerate it's mana production early by playing lots of cheap mana producing creatures ("dorks"). These then allow it to drop bigger monsters onto the battlefield ahead of time.
Small Dorks:

Big Ramp:

Ramp Payoffs:

wurg Artifact Midrange/Combo decks gruw
There are a lot of different artifact syngeries strewn across most colors. There are decks that focus mostly on these, but some of them can also be incorporated into other decks and strategies.
Artifact Utility

Thopter/Sword Combo

KCI Loop Combo

ub Ninjas bu
This deck utilises cheap evasive creatures to get it's ninjas into play early and attacking. Additionally it uses lots of cheap interaction to keep the opponent from playing blockers or pushing through their own game plans.
Ninja enablers

Ninja Payoffs

Cheap interaction

ug Temmpo gu
Similar to the Ninjas deck, there is a Simic deck built around Edric and cheap, evasive creatures:
Creature Core:

Green offers ways to augment the small critters into real threats and other creature perks:

This deck also makes use of Blues interaction, again similar to Ninajs:

wg +1/+1 Counter Aggro gw
This deck stacks up huge numbers of +1/+1 counters on it's creatures and smashes the opponents face.
Basic counter creatues

Artifact synergies

This deck also meshes well with the Persist deck!

grb Lands brg
There are some powerful land syngeries to be found in the cube. This kind of deck relies heavily on fetch lands and shocks/triomes to both fill the graveyard with lands and also get access to many colors.
Therefore it can get useful spells from all over the cube (for example, getting great removal is key), in addition to the lands stuff. The fetches also turbocharge landfall effects.
Land Recursion

Land Sacrifice

Land Discard

Other useful effects

wb Persist Combo bw
Another powerful thing to do is infinitly recurring creatures with the Persist ability. This works by having it come back with a -1/-1 counter and placing a +1/+1 counter on it upon entering the battlefield, having both cancel each other.
Then the creature is ready to be recurred again. Creature tutors and reanimation help this deck gain consistency.
Persist Creatues

+1/+1 counter distributors

Sacrifice Outlets

Additional Sacrifice Value

gx Glimpse Combo xg
This deck is a more combo-y variation of the green ramp deck. It uses a lot of the same cheap ramp creatures and mana producers. Additionally, you can go off with
effects that draw extra cards when creatures enter the battlefield. In general this deck needs an abundance of castable cheap creatures.
Card draw

Mana Production

Utility and Finishers

bg Selfmill gb
This deck uses a variety of ways to fill up it's own graveyard and then get value out of that. From recursive threats to delve fuel to big bombs, a lot of things can be found down there.

Graveyard Value

Recursion from the 'Yard

If you're daring, you might even try to go all the way!

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