This has been designed to encourage interactive, thoughtful games of magic, while still including enough variance (and power) to keep the gameplay fresh. I want my players to draft aspirationally and then have the opportunity to see their deck "do its thing." By lowering the power level in key areas, some fun but traditionally underpowered strategies become more viable.
The power level is intended to play somewhat close to modern, but I've chosen to include some legacy cards whose power felt appropriate in the environment.
KEY INFO• Restricted colorless fast mana
• Restricted hexproof/color protection
• Restricted cheat targets
• Restricted land destruction
• Double fetchlands
• Aggro is viable
• Gold cards signal archetypes
Aggro | Tokens | Midrange | Blink | Control | Death and Taxes
Control | Artifacts | Blink | +1/+1 Counters | Spells Matter | Upheaval
Aristocrats | Control | Graveyard Recursion | Reanimator | Stax
Aggro | Artifacts | Aristocrats | Wildfire | Spells Matter | Sneak Attack
Ramp | Midrange | +1/+1 Counters | Tokens | Cheaty Face
Each guild is built around a theme supported in each color.
- Blink
- Artifacts
- Aristocrats
- Lands Matters
- Tokens
- Life Drain
- Graveyard Matter
- +1|+1 Counters
- Spells Matter
- Aggro