Design Philosophy
-Design parameter of creating an environment featuring Planeswalkers
-Attempt at recreating a draft experience similar to War of the Spark
-Creatures and spells should complement or stand as key threats against Planeswalkers
-Average CMC: 3.33
Pair counterspells with flash and blink effects to use and reuse loyalty abilities of your Planeswalkers.
Classic UB Mill with a number of control and theft effects.
Get the most out of your Planeswalkers by utilizing death triggers and sacrificing devils.
Generate advantage with Planeswalkers that create 2/2 and 3/3's at no cost, before making combat difficult with burn and bite effects.
Create an army of tokens and then add counters on all of them.
Bleed your opponents out, grinding out the game with removal and lifegain effects.
Pair evasive creatures with efficient Planeswalkers to aggressively chip at opposing walkers and life totals.
Grind your opponents out with the highest-MV Planeswalkers in the cube.
Death and Taxes
Underdog your way to victory by utilizing Planeswalkers with powerful minus abilities and effects that tax your opponent's Planeswalkers.
Take advantage of the highest starting Loyalty and Loyalty abilities of Planeswalkers in the cube to keep your opponent's attention on the board and off your life total.
Clarence: Counters
Eric: Attrition
Jeff: Flicker Control
Alex: Mono-U Tempo
Eric: Mono-R Burn
Some simple, yet elegant creature and planeswalker designs from Foundations.
I’m also shifting the +1/+1 counter theme to focus more on creatures that are payoffs (with Planeswalkers as enablers) rather than being enablers themselves. I want to reinforce the idea that creatures are to serve as pieces that either counter, or complement, Planeswalkers.