Shivan Cube
(450 Card Cube)
Shivan Cube
Cube ID
Art by Melissa A. BensonArt by Melissa A. Benson
450 Card Powered Vintage Cube7 followers
Designed by actionbronco

It´s a Dragon alright! It´s old, powerful and a little mean.

This Cube started with the ambition to make Shivan Dragon and Old Man of the Sea playable cards. It turned into an (mostly) old bordered vintage cube, which hits a lot of the classic notes of the game.

Fast mana and enablers are often broken but the payoffs are way worse than modern cards.

Aggro, Midrange and Control are all viable strategies as well as some more synergistic themes like Madness, Reanimator, Enchantress, Artifacts or Stax for example. These themes span over multiple colors and are not restricted to certain color pairs (although some are more obvious).

Fixing is amped up a little as Shock- and Fetchlands are included as well as ABU Duals and Painlands. Note that land destruction is also supported so build your manabases with care.

Chaos Orb Rules:

Love the concept of Glaciers, but it is so so slow (obvioulsy - glacial).
Servitude seems to be the worst of the reanimation options and is also a bit confusing because it does not enchant the creature and is weird with bounce effects. (Relevant for upcoming event.)
Star is nice, but it is border cheating anyway so I´m not sad to cut it.
Ritual is a cool card but I kinda want to keep stealing in blue for now. It was this, or Krovikan Horror, which is a little subpar but I still think it is a good card for aggresive decks to end the game with "burn".
Cutting the beast on six to add one more 7 which works in pretty much the same way while hitting a lot harder.
See comments below for more info on the adds.

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