My kingdom for a Scrubland (Orzhov Twobert)
(207 Card Cube)
My kingdom for a Scrubland (Orzhov Twobert)
Cube ID
Art by Brian SnõddyArt by Brian Snõddy
207 Card Cube6 followers
Designed by Phizzled
Mana Pool$185.71

This is a color-restricted Twobert (search Ryan Saxe's articles).

Shortlist of cards to maybe make room for:

Biggest current worry: is there just too much reanimator? Can aggro variants win before recurring creatures bog the game down? Can any mono-black list handle a hypothetical stoneblade deck?


White Aggro decks get the Savannah Lions you'd expect, but maybe not enough else. Creatures Faerie Guidemother and Shepherd of the Flock offer some combat tricks while your 2/1s for one mana try to swing in.

Black Aggro decks pick up more consistent disruption while pressuring with a smaller number of 2/1s that, generally, can't block. Kitesail Freebooter and Elderfang Disciple try to buy you times, unless a control player snags them. Cube all-star Carrion Feeder does most of the usual stuff here.

Legendary Matters

Creature Lord Arvad the Cursed and scaling finisher Blackblade Reforged both signal the archetype, but maybe it's underserved? Honor-worn Shaku helps these decks ramp to bigger threats a touch faster, but mostly you're banking on the legendary creatures being more powerful than their generic equivalents.


Artifact and equipment matters cards supported by two "fair" versions of Stoneforge Mystic are less potent than in powered cubes. Blackblade Reforged is a top notch pick up, but most of our package is going to rely on having creatures that are already doing a lot of work on their own. Batterbone is not Batterskull, and while Danitha Capashen, Paragon picks up some of the slack losing Mystic has, we're generally a watered down facsimile of the modern scourge. I'm not expecting anyone to draft this archetype on their own, but sometimes it's fun to pretend. Lingering Souls is a strong creature choice, for obvious reasons.


Reanimator isn't quite as combo-licious as in other cubes. Early support creatures Cabal Initiate and Professor of Symbology help dump our bigger threats in the early game. Payoffs Tormod, the Desecrator and Order of Midnight won't win the game without a big finisher, but should be servicable. Both the white dragons put themselves in the graveyard early to be brought back on turn 4 with the (maybe too plentiful) reanimator package.

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