My kingdom for a Scrubland (Orzhov Twobert)
(207 Card Cube)
Blog Posts (20+)
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Based on today's test drafts, might need to add exile based removal? Hard to tell. I took utter end from opponents hand turn three with sin collector and later got a shadrix and Ravos engine going.

Maybe cut inquisition for extract the truth

Extraction Specialist - I think the two mana limitation supports a hypothetical aggro deck better than creates a roadblock for the dedicated reanimator decks, but what do I know? Rate is fine, and lifelink is nothing to sneeze at.

Depopulate - this would be the wrath to bring to the cube. I don't think I can add it, though.

Inspiring Overseer - what's not to love?

Raffine's Guidance - this feels vaguely like having a second Gryff's Boon. The lack of evasion is a flaw, but in a world with more discard support, this is better than short sword. This twobert isn't there, right now.

Raffine's Informant - Professor of Symbology is good-great. This feels almost as good, given the parasitic nature of learn.

Extract The Truth - I am contractually required to point out cards when black has the ability to kill an enchantment. I'm not sure an enchantment edict is going to work, though.

Join the Maestros - I can't convince myself this is good enough for pauper cube. I think it might be better here, because aristocrats. I can't explain my logic.

Sanguine Spy - the lifelink and card draw abilities match well. Menace is actually maybe good enough for black tempo in the cube. I like this more than I love it, though.

Tenacious Underdog - self-recurring creature that is above rate on its face but expensive/fair to recur is actually great. The draw a card when you blitz trigger is going to be the key, I think.

Whack - I think this cost reduction is too strong for the cube given the size of the white top end threats.

Brass Knuckles - if I had actual Stoneforge in the cube I'd maybe consider this. But the payoff for the knuckles is really disappointing.

Halo Scarab - Making a treasure at the cost of the card in your graveyard feels too expensive. I think there are too many alternatives for the 2 drop artifact spot for me to be thrilled.

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