Hot n Sandy (KLD + AER + AKH + HOU)
(388 Card Cube)
Hot n Sandy (KLD + AER + AKH + HOU)
Cube ID
Art by Jonas De RoArt by Jonas De Ro
388 Card Cube4 followers
Designed by AgileDrunk
Mana Pool$1196.88

A non rarity restricted cube aiming to capture the flavour of Kaladesh, Aether Revolt, Amonkhet and Hour of Devastation.

Cube Goals:

  • Capture flavour of the two planes and their set mechanics
  • Balance Macro archetypes so Aggro, Control and Midrange are all competitive decks.
  • Provide a retail+ experience that narrows power delta by raising the floor while leaving a jagged top end.

Constraints & Exceptions:
To meet the cube goals, the cards included follow some constraints and exceptions to these constraints.

  • Cards should primarily come from the two set planes to keep the cube on theme.
    • Exceptions: Bread-and-butter effects, theme archetype support (-1 counters, artifacts etc.)(Currently ~15% of the cube)
  • Flexible lands. Fetch lands included to provide reliable mana bases to drafters.
  • Theming is more important than singleton here. As such, singleton will be broken where a density of needed effects can be achieved with sandy cards. e.g. 2x Dread Wanderer instead of 1x Dread Wanderer + 1x Bloodsoaked Champion

Non-sandy breaks for the following purposes:

  • Generic removal to tweak cube balance more precisely
  • Low curve creatures as the chosen sets don't provide a high enough density for the gameplay desired
  • Support for on-theme archetypes. E.g. wither or persist cards to bolster a -1/-1 theme
Archetype breakdown

Aggro:- Primary: r, Secondary g,w,b, Tertiary: c
Midrange:- Primary: g,b, Secondary: w,r, Tertiary: u
Control:- Primary: u,w, Secondary: b,r, Tertiary: x

Artifact Aggro:- Primary: w,c, Secondary: r, Tertiary: b
-1/-1 Counters:- Primary: b, Secondary: g, Tertiary: r
Vehicles/Equipment:- Primary: r,w, Secondary: x, Tertiary: g
Aristofacts:- Primary: r,b, Secondary: x, Tertiary: w
Energy:- Primary: x, Secondary: x, Tertiary: ubrg
Creature Tokens:- Primary: w,u, Secondary: r, Tertiary: x

Custom Rules/cards

In order to meet the desired gameplay goals I've opted to sparingly include some erratas/custom rulings to cards.

Reasons for this vs "traditional" block cube method:

  • No pack rarity sorting
  • Smaller cube size
  • More balancing options with breaks

Not supported or not included:

  • Cycling
  • Plansewalkers

Add some payoffs for going wide
Maybe include a couple of blink cards?
Add some counters payofffs
Add an enchantment payoff

W 52
U 48
B 46 - 4 missing
R 47 - 2 missing
G 47 - 2 missing
gold 25
C 54
L 56

quick search:
(Set:HOU or Set:AKH or Set:KLD or set:aer)
Filter out Breaks:
(-Set:HOU and -Set:AKH and -Set:KLD and -set:aer)

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