A non rarity restricted cube aiming to capture the flavour of Kaladesh, Aether Revolt, Amonkhet and Hour of Devastation.
Cube Goals:
Constraints & Exceptions:
To meet the cube goals, the cards included follow some constraints and exceptions to these constraints.
Non-sandy breaks for the following purposes:
Aggro:- Primary: , Secondary
, Tertiary:
Midrange:- Primary: ,
, Secondary:
, Tertiary:
Control:- Primary: ,
, Secondary:
, Tertiary:
Artifact Aggro:- Primary: ,
, Secondary:
, Tertiary:
-1/-1 Counters:- Primary: , Secondary:
, Tertiary:
Vehicles/Equipment:- Primary: ,
, Secondary:
, Tertiary:
Aristofacts:- Primary: ,
, Secondary:
, Tertiary:
Energy:- Primary: , Secondary:
, Tertiary:
Creature Tokens:- Primary: ,
, Secondary:
, Tertiary:
Reasons for this vs "traditional" block cube method:
Not supported or not included:
Add some payoffs for going wide
Maybe include a couple of blink cards?
Add some counters payofffs
Add an enchantment payoff
W 52
U 48
B 46 - 4 missing
R 47 - 2 missing
G 47 - 2 missing
gold 25
C 54
L 56
quick search:
(Set:HOU or Set:AKH or Set:KLD or set:aer)
Filter out Breaks:
(-Set:HOU and -Set:AKH and -Set:KLD and -set:aer)