Originally swapped kefnet out for not being good enough, but would like to re-add with an errata to improve it.
Options for re-balacing: -
Adjusting the cards in hand requirement and/or the draw cost:
Changing from "cards in hand" to "unless you've discarded":
In the same vein, I feel that Bontu is the other god in the cycle that falls below rate in the current iteration of the cube. Thoughts for bringing his viability up a little bit are:
Swapping to a revolt style trigger:
Revolt itself feels shoehorned in, and having him trigger on fetches is possibly too strong, maybe keeping the text consistent with the other gods is better?:
This change to nonland permanents would allow Bontu to function more reliably in more decks, allowing synergies with an artifact or blink strategy.
Seems like a great fit here. Extra cartouches and a big artifact theme should help this hit the 2 for 1 reasonably often
ditching the recurring gods as their play-pattern is too un-fun. that includes kefnet
Cutting some blue creatures to lean harder into spell & artifact based blue
deadlock trap looks bad bad
Cutting some blue creatures to lean harder into spell & artifact based blue
deadlock trap looks bad bad
A few persist creatures to further aid the -1 counter decks and any lite sacrifice themes with Bontu.
Possible wither inclusions to come