The Actual Vintage Cube emulates vintage and legacy, as best as a cube can.
It includes many of the most popular vintage and legacy strategies, many you don't see in the average cube.
The cube itself is a 430, powered environment with a singular goal in mind: Capture the feel, power-level, and popular archetypes of the vintage format. If you want to be able to draft dredge, storm, humans, or many other popular vintage archetypes that are not included in most cubes because:
then this might be the cube for you. Being too powerful or degenerate doesn't matter if all strategies can be very powerful. Being parasitic is something I wanted some cards and archetypes to be because without them, the vintage feel is not maximized or even present.
The cube normally drafts in 8 player pods with 3 packs of 16 cards, but it can be drafted with as little as two players.
I draft 3 packs of 16 because it allows players to not scrape for playables, and it also causes packs to wheel twice.
There are both normal basic lands and snow basics to allow Tainted Pact to almost never whiff.
I use the Unstable borderless lands as my basics in person, which I do not regret buying at all.
Or at least that's what I tell myself...
There are no house rules that I follow when playing in person.
I mostly try to avoid house rules as it can confuse new and inexperienced drafters, which my playgroup is often getting more of.
Reanimation spells: Reanimate, Exhume, Dread Return, Animate Dead, Necromancy, Recurring Nightmare, Goryo's Vengeance, Unburial Rites
Cheat/Reanimation targets:
Example Deck: (Reanimator)
(How to draft: Always take your storm payoffs first. You don't want to get down to the last few cards and realize you don't have any storm payoffs. Even one storm payoff is fine since storm decks run cards like Dark Petition and Mystical Tutor, which can search for your payoff. After you get a few storm payoffs, draft your rituals, and cheap cantrips and spells.
It takes several cards to make a storm deck work, but when it works, it really works.
ComboExample Deck:
(Example deck: (Some sprinkled on for some extra spice)
Hullbreacher/Narset, Parter of Veils + Timetwister/Windfall/Wheel of Fortune/Echo of Eons/Time Spiral
Tendrils of Agony and Dark Petition are each two-of, because without them, storm struggles to function, especially ANT and DPS (Dark Petition Storm).
Vengevine is a two-of since many of the graveyard strategies in this cube need it to function. It is, of course, the namesake to HollowVine. Similar to why Golgari Grave-Troll is a two-of.
Mishra's Workshop is a four-of because Shops basically can't function without it. It's also a great support piece to many other artifact decks.
Three of each Revised Dual and two of each Fetch land help with fixing and allow players to go into just about any color combination.
Wasteland is a four-of in the cube because it makes the cube feel more like vintage (If you didn't know, most vintage decks run 4 Wastelands, a Strip Mine, and maybe even a Ghost Quarter)