Worship the Gods! A Theros Experience
(450 Card Cube)
Worship the Gods! A Theros Experience
Cube ID
Art by Jaime JonesArt by Jaime Jones
450 Card Cube4 followers
Designed by Pyrrhus
Mana Pool$285.23

Θεοὺς σέβου

Join us, Hero, for an odyssey through the mythic plane of Theros. Show your devotion to the Gods and be rewarded with eternal glory!

This cube has a special draft and a special gameplay rule for the Theros Gods. Cards come from all 4 Theros draft sets (Theros, Born of the Gods, Journey into Nyx, and Theros Beyond Death). No non-booster cards or cards from other sets are included.

The Special Drafting Rule: The Sacrifice

Before drafting, we reveal a number of random Theros Gods (equal to the number of players + 2). You’ll be able to see which Gods are available before drafting starts. Drafting pack 1 then begins.

  • After drafting the first pack, players take turns bidding cards from their first pack to win one or more of the revealed Gods. Starting with a random player and moving to the left, players declare how many cards they are willing to sacrifice from their first pack to win a particular God.
  • Bidding continues until all players pass. After the bidding concludes, players receive the Gods they won. Then, they sacrifice (burn) the number of cards in their winning bid(s) by removing them from their draft pool. The sacrificed cards are returned to the cube box.
  • Drafting continues as normal for packs 2 and 3.

Note: Winning more than one God can be wise if you want flexibility for later packs.

WARNING: No Gods may be added to maindecks!

Here is the list of the 20 possible Gods (these are NOT in the cube's List!):

Note: Athreos, Shroud-Veiled and Klothys, God of Destiny are excluded for color balance reasons.

The Special Gameplay Rule: Companion Gods

Each player can choose one God that they won during the bidding (if they won multiple, choose one) to place in their Companion zone. You can cast your God during the game if you meet its Devotion requirement — meaning you have enough colored mana symbols on the battlefield.

  • The God stays outside your deck until you cast it directly from your Companion zone.
  • You must meet the God's Devotion requirement on the battlefield for the God to be cast.
  • Devotion counts the colored mana symbols on your permanents.

Note: Token copies of cards have the same Devotion value as their original card.

Some archetypes/synergies to expect:
w/u/r Heroic

Mono-g Devotion

Mono-b Devotion

u/r Instants/Scry Tempo

b/g Graveyard

Constellation across all colors, centered in g

r/g 4 Power Matters

w/b Recursion

Unusual mechanics:
In case you are unfamiliar with Theros cards, I'll explain two mechanics that are not easy to understand and appear across all colors:


  • Bestow creatures can be cast as Auras for their Bestow cost, attaching to a target creature. If the target is removed, the Bestow creature enters as a standalone creature instead of going to the graveyard.
  • Unlike other Auras, a bestowed Aura isn't put into the graveyard if the creature it's attached to dies/is removed. Instead, it falls off and it remains on the battlefield as a creature. It can attack/tap that turn so long as it didn't come under your control in the same turn.
  • If a permanent with Bestow enters the battlefield by any method other than being cast for its Bestow cost, it will enter as a creature.


  • You can cast cards with Escape from your graveyard for their Escape cost, exiling other cards as part of the cost.
  • Casting the card for its Escape cost moves it to the stack. Therefore an opponent cannot remove it from the graveyard in response.
  • Cards can be cast for their Escape cost multiple times in a game.

Cards not included for gameplay or power level reasons: all planeswalkers, Kiora Bests the Sea God, and Dream Trawler.

Happy drafting!

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