Powered Peasant Cube [paper version]
(628 Card Cube)
Powered Peasant Cube [paper version]
Art by Doug ChaffeeArt by Doug Chaffee
628 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by Methu
Mana Pool$2814.41

Current paper version from Powered Peasant Cube

This is a peasant cube focused on showcasing some of the most powerful common and uncommon cards from magics history, as well as strong interactions between them.

Some cards (Lantern of Insight, Counterbalance, Elixir of Immortality to name a few) are probably not strong enough for the cube. As it is fun to try to make them work and they enable powerful combos, they are currently included.




wu Main - Blink

wu Side - Skies

ub Main - Reanimator

ub Side - Value Control

br Main - Sacrifice

br Side - Ressource Control

rg Main - Big Mana / Ramp

rg Side - Stompy

gw Main - +1/+1 Counters

gw Side - Go Wide

wb Main - Aristocrats

wb Side - Death&Taxes

ur Main - Spells Matter

ur Side - Counter Burn

bg Main - Graveyard Value

bg Side - Self Mill

rw Main - Equipments

rw Side - Aggro

gu Main - Value Grind

gu Side - Size matters

Other noteworthy decks

brgw - Persist Combo

gx - Value Durdle

wub - Control

bur - Artifacts

gwu - Tokens

gwub - Labman

rw - Burn

wu - Prison

b - Devotion

g - Ramp

ux - Tutelage Control

brg - Lands


Gone with The Wind

Pain Horse

Skeleton Witch

Lantern Control

Counter Top

Devoted Vizier

Channel Fireball

Oketra's Rescue

Turbo Buyback



Ghostly Drake


Pest Guardian

Dowse In Blood

Eternal Ruse

Animate Undead

Infinite Mystics

Thopter Sword

Fiend Hunted

Twice The Charm

Cephalid Mill

Flaming Planet

Ground Cultivation


Contained Existence

Pestilent Barrier

Can‘t Touch This

Teshar's Bauble

The Sly Grind

The Thopter Artist

It's All Forests

Currently not supported

Token Bombardment

wubrg - Shrines

Squirrels Of Ith

Midnight Gond

Feed On The cleric

Mainboard Changelist+628, -628
Maybeboard Changelist+273, -139
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