This is my first cube, that is still very much work in progress.
I started to build it based around cards I found whilst ordering my collection. I always wanted to create a cube and in normal Drafts I enjoy uncommons and Commons the most so I decided to make it a peasant cube. As those cards were from Eldrain, M20, M19,Original Theros, Guilds of Ravnica and Khans of Takir most archetypes are taken out of these sets.
So I started to Give each of the 10 Guilds a Archtype (or two) first searching for fitting multicolour cards. Deciding to make it 4 multicolour and 2 Modelcoloured cards (if possible) per Guild. As Eldrain was the set with the most cards I had at hand I also tried to include most of its archetypes, including mono colour strategies, knights and Food.
The Archtypes are:
White: Token/Humans
Blue: Artifact/Flying
Black: Sacrifice/Drain
Red: Aggro/ Burn
Green: Trample/Ramp
Azorius: Artifact/Enchantments
Orzhov: Human/Knights/Enchantments
Boros: Aggro/Knights
Selesnja: Token/ +1/+1 Counters
Dimir: Surveil/Artifact
Izzet: Spells/Wizards
Simic: +1/+1 Token/Ramp
Rakdos: Sacrifice/Aggro
Golgari: Food/ Graveyard
Gruul: Trample/Aggro
Bant: +1/+1 Counters
Mardu: Knights
Temur: Elementals
Abzan: Humans
Jund: Food Sacrifice
esper: Artifact/Enchantment
The other Trioms dont have any planed strategies but the mana base should allow for 3 coloured (or 2 + 1 Splash) decks to work out somewhat well (esp if based around green). Mono Colour as in all cubes is obviously highly risky and I would recommend at least splashing one other colour.