Peasant Cube Fun Tribals and more!
(360 Card Cube)
Peasant Cube Fun Tribals and more!
Art by Scott MurphyArt by Scott Murphy
360 Card Peasant Unpowered Budget Modern Cube1 follower
Designed by Protosszocker
Mana Pool$97.01

This is my first cube, that is still very much work in progress.

I started to build it based around cards I found whilst ordering my collection. I always wanted to create a cube and in normal Drafts I enjoy uncommons and Commons the most so I decided to make it a peasant cube. As those cards were from Eldrain, M20, M19,Original Theros, Guilds of Ravnica and Khans of Takir most archetypes are taken out of these sets.

So I started to Give each of the 10 Guilds a Archtype (or two) first searching for fitting multicolour cards. Deciding to make it 4 multicolour and 2 Modelcoloured cards (if possible) per Guild. As Eldrain was the set with the most cards I had at hand I also tried to include most of its archetypes, including mono colour strategies, knights and Food.

The Archtypes are:
White: Token/Humans
Blue: Artifact/Flying
Black: Sacrifice/Drain
Red: Aggro/ Burn
Green: Trample/Ramp

Azorius: Artifact/Enchantments
Orzhov: Human/Knights/Enchantments
Boros: Aggro/Knights
Selesnja: Token/ +1/+1 Counters
Dimir: Surveil/Artifact
Izzet: Spells/Wizards
Simic: +1/+1 Token/Ramp
Rakdos: Sacrifice/Aggro
Golgari: Food/ Graveyard
Gruul: Trample/Aggro

Bant: +1/+1 Counters
Mardu: Knights
Temur: Elementals
Abzan: Humans
Jund: Food Sacrifice
esper: Artifact/Enchantment

The other Trioms dont have any planed strategies but the mana base should allow for 3 coloured (or 2 + 1 Splash) decks to work out somewhat well (esp if based around green). Mono Colour as in all cubes is obviously highly risky and I would recommend at least splashing one other colour.

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