(360 Card Cube)
Art by Raymond SwanlandArt by Raymond Swanland
360 Card Pauper Vintage Cube6 followers
Designed by PauperCube
Mana Pool$158.05
The Pauper Cube by www.PauperCube.com ✤ Est. 2011

Common cards; mythic fun.

Is this "the" original pauper cube? I don't think so, I think that there were others floating around before I made mine back in 2011. But this one has been in existence for a long time, and I have owned www.paupercube.com for as long as I can remember. I hope you enjoy it!

Construction Information
  • The cube is singleton with no exact functional reprints. (Llanowar Elves is in the cube -- Fyndhorn Elves and Elvish Mystic are not.)
  • I've chosen to keep the cube at a tight 360, which is the precise number for a draft of eight people. Going larger would both dilute the archetypes and cause the power level to get wonky.
  • Buyback and Monarch are not included in the cube due to their tendency to take over the game in an unfun way (specifically Capsize and Sprout Swarm for Buyback, and literally every single card with Monarch).
  • Everything is foil. Shiny!
  • I personally seed each pack with one nonbasic land, one card of each color, and one card that is either a multicolor or artifact. The rest of each pack is randomized.
  • I would love to trade my Invocation Counterspell for a Judge Promo Counterspell. I am also in want of the femboy Lightning Bolt. Please reach out to me on Twitter @ GayBlayde if you'd like to make that happen.


The intention of these archetpyes is not to provide a "drafting on rails" experience, but rather to help guide people to where I have built intentional synergy into the cube. People do build outside these archetypes and have success, and that is a feature, not a bug. There are four multicolor cards for each two-color combination to help guide people.

w-u Azorius Flicker/Bounce

u-b Dimir Saboteurs/Ninjas

b-r Rakdos Suicide Aggro

r-g Gruul Ramp/Stompy

g-w Selesnya +1/+1 Counters

w-b Orzhov Life Drain

  • Write-up coming soon.

u-r Izzet Spells Matter

  • Write-up coming soon.

b-g Golgari Graveyard/Aristocrats

  • Write-up coming soon.

r-w Boros Tokens

  • Write-up coming soon.

g-u Simic Bogles

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