540 Powered Vintage cube. All in custom-templated White-border Futureshifted card frame, just as Richard Garfield intended.
Most generic vintage cube archetypes are present, including 5-color trade binder. Also includes Time Vault, so either draft it or artifact removal.
White-Mono white stompy, control/midrange ancillaries
Blue-Card draw/filter, artifacts, instants/sorceries, control, does it all
Black-Tutors, reanimation, storm, control/midrange ancillaries
Red-aggro, burn/removal, artifact hate, artifact reanimation
Green-big stompy, ramp, channel, artifact hate, mana fixing
All of the above are broad strokes generalizations. White, blue, and red can operate in 'fairer' strategies, black and green I'd advise trying to do something stupid to compensate for lack of midrange options.
But this is vintage cube, do stupid stuff and have fun.
Ravenloft sucks