Somehow, in fall of 2014 my friends and I got our hands on a double-wide cardboard box of bulk magic cards. At our High School Robotics team Extra Life fundraiser, we collectively played draft for the first time ever. That draft had probably 12 copies of mana leak, as many rampant growths, several copies of Volatile Rig and all sorts of cards that frankly had no business being in the same draft environment. Even still, we were hooked. After a few months of bulk hunting, trading, and negotiating with my LGS for a deal on bulk sleeves, I hosted the first draft of Mono Decent (shortly after the LRR Friday Nights episode of the same name). I have been running this cube ever since. Archetypes have come and gone, the card count has fluctuated, but the goal has remained the same: play a bunch of really sick cards in a deck that is held together by duct tape and prayers.
There's some busted cards in here. Skullclamp, Treasure Cruise, Necropotence, and lots of other exciting picks to get you feeling juicy. However, I've tried to stay away from some of the recent creature power creep to help keep some of the more old fashioned cards playable.
This cube also includes a number of silver bordered cards, conspiracies, and Mystery Booster Playtest cards. The cards chosen largely play within the rules of MTG, with only some minor bending to add some whacky interactions to the experience, and give even veteran players the joy of finding an unknown build around. These change often, and I don't want to oversaturate the list with them.
Full disclosure: I absolutely choose certain cards because I have pretty art versions, over cards that might be more powerful. sue me.
Archetypes aren't designed in strict color pairing terms, but there' some clear ones you can pick up on. Honestly just go nuts, embrace the 3 color soup deck or narrow in on a color for a clearer game plan.
2x shocks, 2x fetches, 1x triome. Couple other one ofs like Paliano. Only about 11.5%, but there's tons of artifacts and hybrid cards that make things a lil easier on deck building.
There's a bunch of combos that can be drafted. Theres redundancy and room for innovation. be creative while drafting!
I opened my envelope of cards and saw that I somehow left hellrider off my list. I did however buy this fun lil playtest card that we can try instead. Ankh synergy?
Goblin of St Rock? Geist of St Rabblemaster? there's a nickname here I'm sure of it