Modern Artisan Cube
Welcome to the Modern Artisan cube. It's designed to be a budget-friendly (Europe) 1v1 cube. The idea of the cube is to be a fun cube to draft with a lot of archetypes and pet cards. A card to be eligible in the cube needs to be Modern legal (I also run some banned cards that aren't too powerful for the cube) and have a common or uncommon printing during MTG's life.
Why Modern Artisan?
I always wanted to build a cube, but since I started playing when I was a teenager, I didn't have much money to spend on cards. So, I used to do a lot of budget EDH and Pauper. This meant that my cube had to be cheap and unique. I knew that going Peasant was a good choice, but I wanted to add something else. So, adding a Modern restriction was the right thing to do. I didn't want to use cards like Demonic Tutor that are too strong or to have mechanics like the Initiative or Monarch, but I did want to keep it powerful. A lot of powerful draft cards or old competitive Modern cards are in this cube because of the rarity and format restrictions.
2 Color Archetypes

Classic draft archetype, use a lot of ETB to generate tons of value and win by griding your opponent.

The aggressive WU archetype, evasive creatures to put pressure on the opponents but with access to the counterspells and removals.

Simic goes brrrrrrr, lots of mana and win with value, typical GU stuff.

Create tokens or use your creatures to sacrifice them to generate value, this archetype can be killed around artefacts or creatures.

Aggro Burn
Classic burn archetype, go face and attack, maybe a bit powerful with access to burn spells like
Lightning Bolt and others.

Also another aggressive archetype, maybe the easiest tribe to build around in Modern Artisan, Théoden being the biggest payoff, play good humans and win.

The Graveyard deck of the cube, the idea is to mill yourself to make some cards more powerful. A glass cannon type of deck as you are in a really bad spot if your opponents put
Tormod's Crypt onto the battlefield.

This archetype contains an infinite combo with Peregrin Took and Confectioner, as you can draw your entire deck and make tons of rats, or you can make tons of life with the foods and maybe splash

to add life gain payoff.

Good old-fashioned UB Control, I tried to put some funny win conditions like
Psychic Spiral to make the deck a bit more fun to play.

Zoo Stompy
Creature-focused aggressive deck, the archetype doesn't have that many synergies, just big chunky boys that want to smash faces.

The deck can go both aggressive and control. Prowess creatures like
Monastery Swiftspear can be a really good way to put pressure on the opponent and
Young Pyromancer can put a clock and also be one of your only creatures in the deck and decide to go UR control

Go Wide
An archetype that looks like a mix of everything, you play creatures and you go aggro, it can mix well with the +1/+1 counters and the tokens.

+1/+1 Counters
Aggressive deck, an easy one to build as you want creatures that put +1/+1 counters and that's all.

Grindy Recursion
A bit like the Rakdos archetype above, but with the idea of grinding your opponent with ways to bring cards back from your graveyard, you can use tokens to tempo and continue to drain them.
Other Archetypes
It would not be a cube with everyone's favorite glass cannon, over the top archetype that is Reanimator. A bit less explosive than in a regular cube as there are no big splashy Eldrazi Titan or Griselbrand, but more fair creatures that can still steal games.
One of the best colors to play an artifact deck in the cube. Can be any style of deck, with Midrange being a bit more difficult than aggro and control.
Pauper infamous combo is available in the cube and is quite easy to assemble, you need a persist creature, a card that gives a +1/+1 counter to it and a sacrifice engine.
The big recurring theme of the cube is the token creators, there are a lot of them in the cube so you can easily build a token deck with any colors available.
Build-around Cards / Synergies
You will find some cards that don't fit in archetypes but are more build-around ones. The idea of putting those cards in the cube is to make it more diverse with potentially surprising decks. Here are some examples of what you can expect about those Go cards:
Vesperlark Reanimator
A favorite of mine, Vesperlark is such a unique card that I have to put it in the Modern Artisan Cube. A bit narrow and complicated but you can pull a
Trostani's Summoner turn 2 if you have all the pieces.
Power Conduit Saga
A unique interaction between Power Conduit and Sagas that can make a tempo deck, where you loop the same chapter of a Saga every turn, plus putting a +1/+1 counter on a creature or a charge counter on an artifact that can benefit it.