Micro Ancient Times
(180 Card Cube)
Micro Ancient Times
Art by Adam RexArt by Adam Rex
180 Card Multiplayer Unpowered Vintage Cube97 followers
Designed by dsbcubes
Mana Pool$1466.51

~ MICRO Ancient Times ~

Ancient Times distilled and decanted into to the purest, spicy bones. 180 cards. 26 per color. Each color only expressing a single pallet. They mix, they match, but do they blend? Are they balanced? What about variance? Join us at this experimental cafe, and together let's discover the hidden flavors of MICRO Ancient Times.


~ best played 1v1v1 multiplayer ~

~ MENU ~

w White - Plays well with everyone.

A versatile salad of protection, spot removal, EBT tricks, and tokens.

u Blue - Tempo and card advantage.

Cloning, Bouncing, and Card Draw with a side of stealing and looting.

b Black - The graveyard is just another library.

Heavy reanimate with a side of Aristocrats and a garnish of removal.

r Red - Everything is on fire, this is fine.

Mini damage wraths & pingers with zest of crats and sneak.

g Green - Get a head start and keep it.

Ramp main course followed by cheese plate of tokens and tricks.

4 Artifacts - Rude and Spicey

A fine selection of 4-drop hors d'oeuvres that complement the more esoteric meal combinations.

An 'off-balance' mix of redacted herbs and spices to match color themes.


  • Packs 3
  • Card per pack 15
  • Seats 4

Described by the discord Gods as a 'PRE-BOOMER' cube


I won’t be taking Micro Ancient Times to CubeCon 2024, but I will be bringing the middle child and spiritual successor : Medium Ancient Times.

If you like all the weird restrictions of these metas, then follow along with Medium Ancient Times and come find me at CubeCon to fire some old cardboard like Garfield intended!

(Basically we started a cube night at our local LGS, but they said ‘no proxies and it must accommodate 8 players’ so I put a ton of work into Medium Ancient Times to get through the door. And, TBH, I’m really happy with it, and bringing it to CubeCon, and I thought you should know.)

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