MCA Cubed
(360 Card Cube)
MCA Cubed
Cube ID
Art by Steve PrescottArt by Steve Prescott
360 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by RedBeard
Mana Pool$443.43

MCA stands for Matt Cory Aaron. Welcome to our Magic collections… cubed!

The goal of this cube is to:

  • Provide a fun, casual cube environment with just the cards between our three collections
  • Provide balanced, competitive archetypes for all dual color combinations

This cube is on version 1.

Archetypes Overview

Below is an overview of the archetypes/synergies which were designed into each of the 10 color combinations of Magic. A brief description is provided, with four key cards to help illustrate what the archetype is attempting to achieve to win the game.

w g tokens

Generate as many tokens as possible. This archetype achieves victory by dealing lethal damage through sheer amount of creatures, or by powering up key cards using the quantity of creatures and tokens in play.

g b graveyard-matters

Play aggressively with your creatures and pile up your graveyard. The greater your own casualties, the stronger your “bombs” become.

b u mill

Achieve victory by milling your opponent out (reducing their deck to 0 cards)! Don’t let those cards go to waste though! Play them for yourself!

u w control / flicker

Blue/white is designed to support a generic control archetype. It wants to have as many counterspells and other responses to opponents’ key cards as possible. Stall out the game, draw extra cards, until a game winning card is drawn.

This is also the color combination with the highest amount of “flicker-able” cards. NOTE: Yorion’s Companion ability is not recognized in this cube!

w r midrange

Generic, but effective. Apply pressure to your opponent as quickly as possible and blow them out midway through the game with efficient card interactions.

r g stompy / ramp

This archetype tries to win through big, insane creatures, and tries to do so quickly with mana-generating creature and spells which help cheat in extra lands.

g u counters / ramp

Generate larger creature through token generation and swing into large plays using the blue ramp cards available, in addition to the green!

u r control / spells-matter

This archetype wants to be heavy on the Instants and Sorceries. It achieves victory through cheating in extra damage with copy abilities, and shutting down the opponents plays with counters and damage spells.

r b aggro

This is maybe one of the more underdeveloped archetypes of MCA³, yet due to the sheer amount of scary creatures across these two color combinations, it can still pull off some brutal victories!

b w aristocrats

Similar to the green/black graveyard archetype, the aristocrats archetype generates value through the death of its own creatures. It does this through a combination of low-cost creatures which typically generate extra value upon dying, and other cards which allow you to sacrifice those creatures but which also bring you closer to winning the game.

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