Magic Foundations

Cube ID
Art by Scott MurphyArt by Scott Murphy

360 Card Set Cube

Designed by crimsonRSSQR Code

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Magic Foundations

Magic Foundations is a cube based on the following sets: Foundations, Foundations Jumpstart and Foundations Starter Collection. The goal is to provide an interesting gaming environment for both new and veteran players.

The available pool of 1,000+ cards has been trimmed down to 360 for a tighter draft experience. You'll find a healthy mix of both classic and new, exciting cards to build around.

Draft Archetypes

wu Blink/Flash

wb Sacrifice Tokens

wr Heroic

wg Counters

ub Graveyard Matters

ur Spellslinger

ug Land Matters/Ramp

br Raid & Remove

bg The Rock

rg Stompy