Bike's Type 4 Stack
(617 Card Cube)
Bike's Type 4 Stack
Cube ID
Art by Dave DormanArt by Dave Dorman
617 Card Multiplayer Battle Box Silver-bordered Vintage Cube5 followers
Designed by BizarroBike
Mana Pool$558.27

This is my Type 4 stack. We use it for casual multiplayer games. We don't draft it; I just grab a chunk of cards from the box, shuffle it a bit, plop it down on the table and we start playing.

The rules of Type 4:
Players have infinite mana of all types at all times.
Players can only cast one spell per turn.
The deck is shared.
The starting and maximum hand size is four.

A few notes on card selection:
There are no duplicates, no functional reprints and no card is strictly better than any other.
There are no tutors.
There are no cards that instantly kill a player.
There are no lands.
There are no cards that lock down the board indefinitely (e.g. Legacy Weapon, Azorius Guildmage).
There is no special errata.
I tend to choose cards that lead to novel gameplay rather than just choosing the best cards.
Silver-bordered cards, acorn cards and test cards are allowed as long as they don't break the game TOO hard.
I tend not to choose cards that hose a single player (e.g. Cruel Ultimatum, Overwhelming Splendor).
I tend not to choose cards that stop people from playing the game (e.g. Nullstone Gargoyle, Sire of Insanity).
I tend not to choose cards that interact with multiple players' libraries at once (milling, parley, etc., it gets messy).
Unlike many other Type 4 stacks, I don't use the "alternate cost rule." Mechanics like cascade don't function when you can only cast one spell each turn and I don't want to burden the players with rules about exceptions to the rules, so I don't use them.

Mainboard Changelist+50, -46

Type Four is supposed to be about playing with incredibly powerful cards, but I hate the feeling of drawing a card that is worse than a card somebody else drew. So, I'm cutting some of the long-time powerhouses. Time Stop is both the best counterspell and the best fog. Aethersnatch, Spelljack and Smirking Spelljacker are right behind it. Gather Specimens is the best control magic. Gideon's Phalanx is the best wrath-dodger.

Hateflayer has to leave because they finally printed a vehicle worthy of inclusion. Three card combos are fine, but two card combos are not.

Sakashima's Student is leaving because I only own one copy and I want to put it in my cube.

Beyond that, most of the cuts are just weak or boring cards leaving to make room for different stuff.

The four extra cards come from desleeving the four Reassembling Skeletons that I kept in the box in case somebody drew Bone Rattler.

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