Greatest Hits
(450 Card Cube)
Greatest Hits
Cube ID
Art by Jason RainvilleArt by Jason Rainville
450 Card Unpowered Vintage Cube11 followers
Designed by Korlus
Mana Pool$1029.04

Some of Magic's greatest hits. This features a smattering of combo, with plenty of support for control, midrange and aggro decks. There is a little mana disruption, and plenty of fixing.

One of the goals of this cube is to keep the degenerate decks powerful enough to want to play them, without making the interactive decks feel useless when playing against them. This means it supports a lot of creature-based combo, and 2-4 MV reanimation spells.

From a colour-balance perspective, the cube aims to have 65 cards per colour, but deducts colour slots based on the number of hybrid cards that colour has access to.

Korlus posted to Greatest Hits -

This is adding the final five fetchlands, adding a minor discard subtheme (and so swapping the Tango Lands like Canopy Vista for the cycling duals like Scattered Groves). Conspiracy Theorist, Containment Construct and Currency Converter now form an additional three cards to generate value on the back of discarding (along with Master of Death who is already in the cube).

I've also pushed towards Artifacts a little harder - with cards like Stonecoil Serpent and Silver Raven as additions over Endless One and Pteramander.

I found blue spells-matter wasn't working so well on its own. Thing in the Ice and Pteramander have come out.

We've also focused a little harder on U/B Tempo and so more Ninja-synergies have been added - from Moon-Circuit Hacker and Grazilaxx, Illithid Scholar over the slower Waker of Waves and Cloudkin Seer.

I've tried to clean up a few of the needlessly wordy cards in the cube Animate Dead has moved to an older (cleaner) printing, and Incinerate (whose non-regeneration clause only really affected Experiment One) has been swapped for Lightning Strike's "Any Target" version.

There's also a push towards some slightly newer, more interesting cards. Delayed Blast Fireball over Staggershock, Noble's Purse, Monster Manual and Altar of Bhaal are all the new hotness, along with Henrika Domnathi.

All-in-all, it's an interesting series of changes.

I've also included Damn and Lurrus of the Dream Den as "hybrid" Orzhov cards. Damn is probably 75% white, 25% black, but it would still get played in decks that are primarily black as a slower removal spell.

Will Kenrith and Hall of the Storm Giants should help U/x control decks finish more reliably.

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